D:/CHAI3D/build-2-0-0/2.0.0/win32/src/tools/CGeneric3dofPointer.h File Reference

Haptic Tools
Single Point Contact Tool. More...

#include "tools/CGenericTool.h"
#include "graphics/CColor.h"
#include "scenegraph/CShapeSphere.h"
#include "scenegraph/CMesh.h"
#include "forces/CProxyPointForceAlgo.h"
#include "forces/CPotentialFieldForceAlgo.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


class  cGeneric3dofPointer
 cGeneric3dofPointer represents a haptic tool that can apply forces in three degrees of freedom and maintains three or six degrees of device pose.

Detailed Description

Haptic Tools
Single Point Contact Tool.

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