CHAI3D Documentation


CHAI 3D is an open source set of C++ libraries for computer haptics, visualization and interactive real-time simulation. CHAI 3D supports several commercially-available three-, six- and seven-degree-of-freedom haptic devices, and makes it simple to support new custom force feedback devices.

For a general introduction to the CHAI 3D libraries, we highly recommend to review in numerical order the well documented examples provided with the framework.

For overviews of various selected features or general organization of CHAI 3D, see the above "Modules" and "Files" links.

Some functionalities or support for certain haptic devices may vary depending of the operating system you are using. CHAI 3D is currently supported on the following platforms:

Windows [32-bit]
[delta.x, omega.x, falcon, phantom, freedom6]

Windows [64-bit]
[delta.x, omega.x, phantom]

Mac OS-X [universal]
[delta.x, omega.x]

Linux [32-bit]
[delta.x, omega.x]

Linux [64-bit]
[delta.x, omega.x]

See <> for more information about CHAI 3D.

IMPORTANT NOTE: the online documentation for the CHAI 3D libraries is a continuous work-in-progress.
Although the large majority of classes have been documented properly, there might still be some poorly documented items. If you happen upon an undocumented or poorly documented class and / or class method which you find hard to understand, please give us a notice so we can rectify the situation.

CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
Please address any questions to
(C) 2003-2009 - CHAI 3D
All Rights Reserved.