cFont Member List

This is the complete list of members for cFont, including all inherited members.

createFont()cFont [static]
createFont(const cFont *oldFont)cFont [static]
getCharacterWidth(const unsigned char &a_char)cFont [virtual]
getFontFace(char *a_faceName) const cFont [inline, virtual]
getPointSize() const cFont [inline, virtual]
m_char_widthscFont [protected]
m_fontFacecFont [protected]
m_pointSizecFont [protected]
renderString(const char *a_str)=0cFont [pure virtual]
setFontFace(const char *a_faceName)cFont [virtual]
setPointSize(const float &a_pointSize)cFont [inline, virtual]
~cFont()cFont [inline, virtual]

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