D:/CHAI3D/build-2-0-0/2.0.0/win32/src/graphics/CDraw3D.h File Reference

Drawing Macros. More...

#include "graphics/CMacrosGL.h"

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void cDrawFrame (const double a_scale=1.0, const bool a_modifyMaterialState=true)
 Draw an x-y-z frame.
void cDrawFrame (const double a_axisLengthScale, const double a_axisThicknessScale, const bool a_modifyMaterialState)
 Draw an x-y-z frame.
void cDrawWireBox (const double a_xMin, const double a_xMax, const double a_yMin, const double a_yMax, const double a_zMin, const double a_zMax)
 Draw a box using lines.
void cDrawSphere (const double a_radius, const unsigned int a_numSlices=10, const unsigned int a_numStacks=10)
 Draw a sphere.
void cDrawArrow (const cVector3d &a_arrowStart, const cVector3d &a_arrowTip, const double a_width=0.05)
 Draw a pretty arrow on the z-axis using a cone and a cylinder (using GLUT).

Detailed Description

Drawing Macros.

Function Documentation

void cDrawArrow ( const cVector3d a_arrowStart,
const cVector3d a_arrowTip,
const double  a_width 

Draw a pretty arrow on the z-axis using a cone and a cylinder (using GLUT).

Draw a pretty arrow on the z-axis using a cone and a cylinder (using GLUT).

a_arrowStart The location of the back of the arrow.
a_arrowTip The location of the tip of the arrow.
a_width The width (in GL units) of the arrow shaft.

void cDrawFrame ( const double  a_axisLengthScale,
const double  a_axisThicknessScale,
const bool  a_modifyMaterialState 

Draw an x-y-z frame.

Draw an X-Y-Z Frame. The red arrow corresponds to the X-Axis, green to the Y-Axis, and blue to the Z-Axis.

The scale parameter determines the size of the arrows.

a_axisLengthScale Length of each arrow
a_axisThicknessScale Thickness factor of frame.
a_modifyMaterialState If true, this function sets GL to the preferred material state

void cDrawFrame ( const double  a_scale,
const bool  a_modifyMaterialState 

Draw an x-y-z frame.

Draw an X-Y-Z Frame. The red arrow corresponds to the X-Axis, green to the Y-Axis, and blue to the Z-Axis.

The scale parameter determines the size of the arrows.

a_scale Length of each arrow
a_modifyMaterialState If true, this function sets GL to the preferred material state

void cDrawSphere ( const double  a_radius,
const unsigned int  a_numSlices,
const unsigned int  a_numStacks 

Draw a sphere.

Render a sphere given a radius.

a_radius Radius of the sphere
a_numSlices Specifies the number of subdivisions around the z axis (similar to lines of longitude)
a_numStacks Specifies the number of subdivisions along the x/y axes (similar to lines of latitude)

void cDrawWireBox ( const double  a_xMin,
const double  a_xMax,
const double  a_yMin,
const double  a_yMax,
const double  a_zMin,
const double  a_zMax 

Draw a box using lines.

Draw a line-based box with sides parallel to the x-y-z axes.

a_xMin Box side x min position.
a_xMax Box side x max position.
a_yMin Box side y min position.
a_yMax Box side y max position.
a_zMin Box side z min position.
a_zMax Box side z max position.

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