cGELMassParticle Class Reference
[Module - GEL Dynamics Engine (Deformable Body Simulation)]

cGELMassParticle defines a simple mass particle point. More...

#include <CGELMassParticle.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cGELMassParticle ()
 Constructor of cGELMassParticle.
virtual ~cGELMassParticle ()
 Destructor of cGELMassParticle.
void setMass (double a_mass)
 Set the mass of the particle.
void addForce (cVector3d &a_force)
 Add force to mass particle.
void setExternalForce (cVector3d &a_force)
 Set an external force to mass particle.
void computeNextPose (double a_timeInterval)
 Compute next position.
void applyNextPose ()
 Update pose with new computed values.
void clearForces ()
 Clear forces.
void clearExternalForces ()
 Clear external force.
void render ()
 Render node in OpenGL.

Public Attributes

double m_mass
 Mass property.
cVector3d m_force
 Current force being applied.
cVector3d m_acc
 Instant acceleration.
cVector3d m_vel
 Instant velocity.
double m_kDampingPos
 Linear damping.
bool m_fixed
 If true, then mass is fixed in space and cannot move.
bool m_useGravity
 If true, then gravity field is enabled.
cVector3d m_gravity
 Gravity field.
cColorf m_color
 Color used to display nodes.
cVector3d m_pos
cVector3d m_nextPos
 Next position computed.

Static Public Attributes

static double default_kDampingPos = 5.00
 Default property - linear damping.
static double default_mass = 0.1
 Default property - mass.
static cColorf default_color
 Default property - color.
static bool default_useGravity = true
 Default property - use of gravity field.
static cVector3d default_gravity
 Default property - gravity field.
static bool show_forces = true
 Default property - force display status.
static bool scale_force_vector_display = 0.01
 Default property - force vector display magnitude.

Detailed Description

cGELMassParticle defines a simple mass particle point.

Member Function Documentation

void cGELMassParticle::render (  )  [inline]

Render node in OpenGL.

Define the mass of the mass particle

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CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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