cGELSkeletonLink Class Reference
[Module - GEL Dynamics Engine (Deformable Body Simulation)]

cGELSkeletonLink models a link between two nodes. More...

#include <CGELSkeletonLink.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cGELSkeletonLink (cGELSkeletonNode *a_node0, cGELSkeletonNode *a_node1)
 Constructor of cGELSkeletonLink.
 ~cGELSkeletonLink ()
 Destructor of cGELSkeletonLink.
void render ()
void computeForces ()

Public Attributes

 Node 0 of current link.
 Node 1 of current link.
cColorf m_color
 Color used to display NN-links.
double m_kSpringElongation
 Elongation spring constant.
double m_kSpringFlexion
 Angular spring constant.
double m_kSpringTorsion
 Torsional spring constant.
bool m_enabled
 Is link enabled.
cVector3d m_nzLink01
 Linear damping constant.
cVector3d m_wzLink01
 Initial link vector between node 0 and node 1 in world coordinates.
cVector3d m_nzLink10
 Initial link vector between node 1 and node 0 in node1 reference frame.
cVector3d m_wzLink10
 Initial link vector between node 1 and node 0 in world coordinates.
cVector3d m_wLink01
 Current link between node 0 and node 1 in world coordinates.
cVector3d m_wLink10
 Current link between node 1 and node 0 in world coordinates.
cVector3d m_torsionAxisAngle
 Torsional angle.
cVector3d m_A0
 Reference vector frame A on sphere 0 (local coordinates).
cVector3d m_wA0
 Reference vector frame A on sphere 0 (world coordinates).
cVector3d m_B0
 Reference vector frame B on sphere 0 (local coordinates).
cVector3d m_wB0
 Reference vector frame B on sphere 0 (world coordinates).
cVector3d m_A1
 Reference vector frame A on sphere 1 (local coordinates).
cVector3d m_wA1
 Reference vector frame A on sphere 1 (world coordinates).
double m_length0
 Initial length of link.
double m_length
 Current length of link.

Static Public Attributes

static double default_kSpringElongation = 100.0
 Default property - linear stiffness.
static double default_kSpringFlexion = 0.1
 Default property - angular stiffness.
static double default_kSpringTorsion = 0.1
 Default property - torsional stiffness.
static cColorf default_color
 Default property - color property.

Detailed Description

cGELSkeletonLink models a link between two nodes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cGELSkeletonLink::cGELSkeletonLink ( cGELSkeletonNode a_node0,
cGELSkeletonNode a_node1 

Constructor of cGELSkeletonLink.

Constructor of cGELSkeletonLink.

a_node0 Node 0.
a_node1 Node 1.

Member Function Documentation

void cGELSkeletonLink::computeForces (  )  [inline]

Compute forces applied on mass nodes.

void cGELSkeletonLink::render (  )  [inline]

Render link in OpenGL.

Member Data Documentation

Linear damping constant.

Angular damping constant. Torsion damping constant. Initial link vector between node 0 and node 1 in node0 reference frame.

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CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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