cLight Class Reference

cLight describes an OpenGL light source, generally rendered by a cWorld object, which is typically the top of a scene graph.
By default, lights are directional and non-spot. More...

#include <CLight.h>

Inheritance diagram for cLight:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cLight (cWorld *a_world=NULL)
 Constructor of cLight.
 ~cLight ()
 Destructor of cLight.
void setDir (const cVector3d &a_direction)
 Set the direction of the light beam... only affects _positional_ lights with angular cutoffs (spotlights).
void setDir (const double a_x, const double a_y, const double a_z)
 Set the direction of the light beam... only affects _positional_ lights with angular cutoffs (spotlights).
cVector3d getDir () const
 Read the direction of the light beam... only affects _positional_ lights with angular cutoffs (spotlights).
void setDirectionalLight (bool a_directionalLight)
 Set this light to be purely directional (true) or purely positional (false).
bool getDirectionalLight ()
 Returns true for a directional light, false for a positional light.
void setAttConstant (const GLfloat &a_value)
 Set my constant attenuation parameter.
GLfloat getAttConstant () const
 Read my constant attenuation parameter.
void setAttLinear (const GLfloat &a_value)
 Set my linear attenuation parameter.
GLfloat getAttLinear () const
 Read my linear attenuation parameter.
void setAttQuadratic (const GLfloat &a_value)
 Set my quadratic attenuation parameter.
GLfloat getAttQuadratic () const
 Read my quadratic attenuation parameter.
void setSpotExponent (const GLfloat &a_value)
 Set concentration level of the light.
GLfloat getSpotExponent () const
 Read concentration level of the light.
void setCutOffAngle (const GLfloat &a_value)
 Set the cutoff angle in degrees (only affects spotlights) (positional lights with angular cutoffs).
GLfloat getCutOffAngle () const
 Read Cut off angle.
void setEnabled (const bool &a_enabled)
 Enable or disable this light source.
bool getEnabled () const
 Is this light source enabled?

Public Attributes

cColorf m_ambient
 Ambient light component.
cColorf m_diffuse
 Diffuse light component.
cColorf m_specular
 Specular light component.

Protected Member Functions

void renderLightSource ()
 Render the light in OpenGL.

Protected Attributes

 Parent world.
GLfloat m_attConstant
 Constant attenuation parameter.
GLfloat m_attLinear
 Linear attenuation parameter.
GLfloat m_attQuadratic
 Quadratic attenuation parameter.
GLfloat m_spotExponent
 Concentration of the light.
GLfloat m_cutOffAngle
 Cut off angle (for spot lights only). Only values in the range [0, 90], and the special value 180, are accepted.
bool m_enabled
 Enable light source (ON/OFF).
bool m_directionalLight
 Is this a directional (true) or positional (false) light.
GLint m_glLightNumber
 GL reference number of the light (0-7).


class cWorld
 cWorld needs to access OpenGL information stored privately in cLight
class cCamera
 cCamera needs to access OpenGL information stored privately in cLight

Detailed Description

cLight describes an OpenGL light source, generally rendered by a cWorld object, which is typically the top of a scene graph.
By default, lights are directional and non-spot.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cLight::cLight ( cWorld a_world = NULL  ) 

Constructor of cLight.

When creating an OpenGL light source, an identity number between 0 and 7 is attributed to the light. This number is used during the rendering process. Lights are automatically created inside class cWorld.

a_world parent world in which light source will be located

cLight::~cLight (  ) 

Destructor of cLight.

Destructor of cLight. Disables this light in OpenGL and removes it from the parent's list of lights.

Member Function Documentation

void cLight::renderLightSource (  )  [protected]

Render the light in OpenGL.

Render this light source in OpenGL.

Note that if this light source is disabled, the corresponding GL light source is disabled. That means you can't disable your CHAI light but turn on the GL light somewhere else.

void cLight::setCutOffAngle ( const GLfloat &  a_value  ) 

Set the cutoff angle in degrees (only affects spotlights) (positional lights with angular cutoffs).

Set the cutoff angle (in degrees) of my light beam.

Should range between 0 and 90 for spot lights. Use 180.0 to specify that there should be no cutoff.

a_value Cutoff angle of light beam.

void cLight::setDir ( const double  a_x,
const double  a_y,
const double  a_z 

Set the direction of the light beam... only affects _positional_ lights with angular cutoffs (spotlights).

Set the direction of my light beam.

a_x X Coordinate of light beam.
a_y Y Coordinate of light beam.
a_z Z Coordinate of light beam.

void cLight::setDir ( const cVector3d a_direction  ) 

Set the direction of the light beam... only affects _positional_ lights with angular cutoffs (spotlights).

Set the direction of my light beam.

a_direction Direction of light beam

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