cODEWorld Class Reference
[Module - ODE Dynamics Engine (Rigid Body Simulation)]

cODEWorld implements a virtual world to handle ODE based objects (cODEGenericBody). More...

#include <CODEWorld.h>

Inheritance diagram for cODEWorld:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cODEWorld (cWorld *a_parentWorld)
 Constructor of cODEWorld.
 ~cODEWorld ()
 Destructor of cODEWorld.
void setGravity (cVector3d a_gravity)
 Set gravity field.
cVector3d getGravity ()
 Read gravity field.
void setLinearDamping (double a_value)
 Set linear damping.
void setAngularDamping (double a_value)
 Set angular damping.
void setMaxAngularSpeed (double a_value)
 Set max angular speed.
void updateDynamics (double a_interval)
 compute dynamic simulation.
void updateBodyPositions (void)
 update position and orientation from ode models to chai models.
void updateGlobalPositions (const bool a_frameOnly)

Public Attributes

list< cODEGenericBody * > m_bodies
 List of ODE dynamic bodies.
dWorldID m_ode_world
 ODE dynamics world.
dSpaceID m_ode_space
 ODE collision space.
dJointGroupID m_ode_contactgroup
 ODE contact group.

Detailed Description

cODEWorld implements a virtual world to handle ODE based objects (cODEGenericBody).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cODEWorld::cODEWorld ( cWorld a_parentWorld  ) 

Constructor of cODEWorld.

Constructor of cODEWorld.

a_parentWorld Pointer to parent CHAI 3D world.
Return pointer to new cODEWorld instance.

Member Function Documentation

cVector3d cODEWorld::getGravity (  ) 

Read gravity field.

Read the current gravity field.

Return current gravity field.

void cODEWorld::setGravity ( cVector3d  a_gravity  ) 

Set gravity field.

Define a gravity field.

a_gravity Gravity field.

void cODEWorld::updateBodyPositions ( void   ) 

update position and orientation from ode models to chai models.

Update position and orientation from ode models to chai models.

void cODEWorld::updateDynamics ( double  a_interval  ) 

compute dynamic simulation.

Compute simulation for a_time time interval.

a_interval Time increment.

void cODEWorld::updateGlobalPositions ( const bool  a_frameOnly  )  [virtual]

Compute globalPos and globalRot given the localPos and localRot of this object and its parents. Optionally propagates to children.

If a_frameOnly is set to false, additional global positions such as vertex positions are computed (which can be time-consuming).

a_frameOnly If true then only the global frame is computed.

Reimplemented from cGenericObject.

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