D:/CHAI3D/build-2-0-0/2.0.0/win32/src/math/CMaths.h File Reference

General Utility Functions. More...

#include "math/CMatrix3d.h"
#include <math.h>

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bool cZero (const double &a_value)
bool cPositiveBound (const double &a_value, const double &a_boundMax)
template<class T >
cAbs (const T a_value)
template<class T >
cMax (const T a_value1, const T a_value2)
template<class T >
cMin (const T a_value1, const T a_value2)
template<class T >
cMax3 (const T &a_value1, const T &a_value2, const T &a_value3)
template<class T >
cMin3 (const T &a_value1, const T &a_value2, const T &a_value3)
template<class T >
cMaxAbs (const T a_value1, const T a_value2)
template<class T >
cMinAbs (const T a_value1, const T a_value2)
template<class T >
cMax3Abs (const T &a_value1, const T &a_value2, const T &a_value3)
template<class T >
cMin3Abs (const T &a_value1, const T &a_value2, const T &a_value3)
template<class T >
void cSwap (T &a_value1, T &a_value2)
template<class T >
cLerp (const double &a_level, const T &a_value1, const T &a_value2)
template<class T >
cClamp (const T a_value, const T a_low, const T a_high)
template<class T >
cClamp0 (T &a_value)
double cClamp01 (double &a_value)
template<class T , class V >
bool cContains (const T &a_value, const V &a_low, const V &a_high)
double cSqr (const double &a_value)
double cCosDeg (const double &a_angleDeg)
double cSinDeg (const double &a_angleDeg)
double cTanDeg (const double &a_angleDeg)
double cCosRad (const double &a_angleRad)
double cSinRad (const double &a_value)
double cTanRad (const double &a_value)
double cDegToRad (const double &a_angleDeg)
double cRadToDeg (const double &a_angleRad)
cVector3d cAdd (const cVector3d &a_vector1, const cVector3d &a_vector2)
cVector3d cAdd (const cVector3d &a_vector1, const cVector3d &a_vector2, const cVector3d &a_vector3)
cVector3d cSub (const cVector3d &a_vector1, const cVector3d &a_vector2)
cVector3d cNegate (const cVector3d &a_vector)
cVector3d cMul (const double &a_value, const cVector3d &a_vector)
cVector3d cDiv (const double &a_value, const cVector3d &a_vector)
cVector3d cDivVect (const double &a_value, const cVector3d &a_vector)
cVector3d cCross (const cVector3d &a_vector1, const cVector3d &a_vector2)
double cDot (const cVector3d &a_vector1, const cVector3d &a_vector2)
cVector3d cNormalize (const cVector3d &a_vector)
double cDistance (const cVector3d &a_point1, const cVector3d &a_point2)
double cDistanceSq (const cVector3d &a_point1, const cVector3d &a_point2)
bool cEqualPoints (const cVector3d &v1, const cVector3d &v2, const double epsilon=CHAI_SMALL)
cMatrix3d cIdentity3d (void)
cMatrix3d cMul (const cMatrix3d &a_matrix1, const cMatrix3d &a_matrix2)
cVector3d cMul (const cMatrix3d &a_matrix, const cVector3d &a_vector)
cMatrix3d cTrans (const cMatrix3d &a_matrix)
cMatrix3d cInv (const cMatrix3d &a_matrix)
double cAngle (const cVector3d &a_vector0, const cVector3d &a_vector1)
double cCosAngle (const cVector3d &a_vector0, const cVector3d &a_vector1)
cMatrix3d cRotMatrix (const cVector3d &a_axis, const double &a_angleRad)
cMatrix3d cRotate (const cMatrix3d &a_matrix, const cVector3d &a_axis, const double &a_angleRad)
cVector3d cProjectPointOnPlane (const cVector3d &a_point, const cVector3d &a_planePoint, const cVector3d &n)
cVector3d cProjectPointOnPlane (const cVector3d &a_point, const cVector3d &a_planePoint0, const cVector3d &a_planePoint1, const cVector3d &a_planePoint2)
void cProjectPointOnPlane (const cVector3d &a_point, const cVector3d &a_planePoint0, const cVector3d &a_planePoint1, const cVector3d &a_planePoint2, double &a_v01, double a_v02)
cVector3d cProjectPointOnLine (const cVector3d &a_point, const cVector3d &a_pointOnLine, const cVector3d &a_directionOfLine)
cVector3d cProjectPointOnSegment (const cVector3d &a_point, const cVector3d &a_segmentPointA, const cVector3d &a_segmentPointB)
cVector3d cProject (const cVector3d &a_vector0, const cVector3d &a_vector1)
cVector3d cComputeSurfaceNormal (const cVector3d &a_surfacePoint0, const cVector3d &a_surfacePoint1, const cVector3d &a_surfacePoint2)
bool cBoxContains (const cVector3d &a_point, const cVector3d &box_min, const cVector3d &box_max)
int cIntersectionSegmentSphere (cVector3d &a_segmentPointA, cVector3d &a_segmentPointB, cVector3d &a_spherePos, double &a_sphereRadius, cVector3d &a_collisionPoint0, cVector3d &a_collisionNormal0, cVector3d &a_collisionPoint1, cVector3d &a_collisionNormal1)
int cIntersectionSegmentToplessCylinder (cVector3d &a_segmentPointA, cVector3d &a_segmentPointB, cVector3d &a_cylinderPointA, cVector3d &a_cylinderPointB, double &a_cylinderRadius, cVector3d &a_collisionPoint0, cVector3d &a_collisionNormal0, cVector3d &a_collisionPoint1, cVector3d &a_collisionNormal1)
bool cIntersectionSegmentTriangle (cVector3d &a_segmentPointA, cVector3d &a_segmentPointB, cVector3d &a_triangleVertex0, cVector3d &a_triangleVertex1, cVector3d &a_triangleVertex2, cVector3d &a_collisionPoint, cVector3d &a_collisionNormal)

Detailed Description

General Utility Functions.

Function Documentation

template<class T >
T cAbs ( const T  a_value  )  [inline]

Compute absolute value.

a_value Input value.
Return the absolute value of value.

cVector3d cAdd ( const cVector3d a_vector1,
const cVector3d a_vector2,
const cVector3d a_vector3 
) [inline]

Compute the addition between three vectors.
Result = Vector1 + Vector2 + Vector3

a_vector1 First vector.
a_vector2 Second vector.
a_vector3 Third vector.
Return the addition of all three vectors.

cVector3d cAdd ( const cVector3d a_vector1,
const cVector3d a_vector2 
) [inline]

Compute the addition between two vectors.
Result = Vector1 + Vector2

a_vector1 First vector.
a_vector2 Second vector.
Return the addition of both vectors.

double cAngle ( const cVector3d a_vector0,
const cVector3d a_vector1 
) [inline]

Compute the angle in radians between two vectors.

a_vector0 Input vector.
a_vector1 Input vector.
Returns the angle in radians between the input vectors.

bool cBoxContains ( const cVector3d a_point,
const cVector3d box_min,
const cVector3d box_max 
) [inline]

Returns true if point is contained in the bounding box defined by min and max

a_point Test point
box_min Minimum coordinate in the boundary box
box_max Maximum coordinate in the boundary box
Returns true if p is in [box_min,box_max], inclusive

template<class T >
T cClamp ( const T  a_value,
const T  a_low,
const T  a_high 
) [inline]

Clamp the input to the specified range.

a_value Input value.
a_low Low boundary.
a_high High boundary.
Return clamped value.
Note that this function should not be modified to take inputs by reference.

template<class T >
T cClamp0 ( T &  a_value  )  [inline]

Clamp the input to the range 0 - infinity.

a_value Input value.
Return clamped value.

double cClamp01 ( double &  a_value  )  [inline]

Clamp the input to the range [0,1].

a_value Input value of type double.
Return clamped value.

cVector3d cComputeSurfaceNormal ( const cVector3d a_surfacePoint0,
const cVector3d a_surfacePoint1,
const cVector3d a_surfacePoint2 
) [inline]

Compute the normal of a surface defined by three point passed as parameters.

a_surfacePoint0 Point 0 of surface.
a_surfacePoint1 Point 1 of surface.
a_surfacePoint2 Point 2 of surface.
Return surface normal.

template<class T , class V >
bool cContains ( const T &  a_value,
const V &  a_low,
const V &  a_high 
) [inline]

Check whether value is in the range of [low, high].

a_value Input value.
a_low Low boundary.
a_high High boundary.
Return true if value is in the rage of [low, high] and false otherwise.

double cCosAngle ( const cVector3d a_vector0,
const cVector3d a_vector1 
) [inline]

Compute the cosine of the angle between two vectors.

a_vector0 Input vector.
a_vector1 Input vector.
Returns the cosine of the angle between the input vectors.

double cCosDeg ( const double &  a_angleDeg  )  [inline]

Compute the cosine of an angle defined in degrees.

a_angleDeg Angle in degrees.
Return the cosine of angle.

double cCosRad ( const double &  a_angleRad  )  [inline]

Return the cosine of an angle defined in radians.

a_angleRad Angle in radians.
Return the cosine of angle.

cVector3d cCross ( const cVector3d a_vector1,
const cVector3d a_vector2 
) [inline]

Compute the cross product between two 3D vectors.

a_vector1 Vector1.
a_vector2 Vector2.
Returns the cross product between Vector1 and Vector2.

double cDegToRad ( const double &  a_angleDeg  )  [inline]

Convert an angle from degrees to radians.

a_angleDeg Angle in degrees.
Return angle in radians.

double cDistance ( const cVector3d a_point1,
const cVector3d a_point2 
) [inline]

Compute the distance between two points.

a_point1 First point.
a_point2 Second point.
Return distance between points

double cDistanceSq ( const cVector3d a_point1,
const cVector3d a_point2 
) [inline]

Compute the squared distance between two points.

a_point1 First point.
a_point2 Second point.
Return squared distance between points.

cVector3d cDiv ( const double &  a_value,
const cVector3d a_vector 
) [inline]

Divide a vector by a scalar.

a_value Scalar.
a_vector Input vector.
Returns result of division.

cVector3d cDivVect ( const double &  a_value,
const cVector3d a_vector 
) [inline]

Divide a scalar by components of a 3D vector and return vector

a_value Scalar.
a_vector Input vector.
Returns a vector. result = value / vector.

double cDot ( const cVector3d a_vector1,
const cVector3d a_vector2 
) [inline]

Compute the dot product between two vectors.

a_vector1 Vector1.
a_vector2 Vector2.
Returns the dot product between between both vectors.

bool inline cEqualPoints ( const cVector3d v1,
const cVector3d v2,
const double  epsilon = CHAI_SMALL 
) [inline]

Determine whether two vectors represent the same point.

v1 First point.
v2 Second point.
epsilon Two points will be considered equal if each component is within epsilon units. Defaults to CHAI_SMALL.
Return whether the two vectors represent the same point.

cMatrix3d cIdentity3d ( void   )  [inline]

Return the Identity Matrix .

Return the identity matrix.

int cIntersectionSegmentSphere ( cVector3d a_segmentPointA,
cVector3d a_segmentPointB,
cVector3d a_spherePos,
double &  a_sphereRadius,
cVector3d a_collisionPoint0,
cVector3d a_collisionNormal0,
cVector3d a_collisionPoint1,
cVector3d a_collisionNormal1 
) [inline]

Returns the number of intersection points between a segment AB and a sphere of radius R.
The number of points can be 0, 1 or 2.
If two intersection points are detected, collisionPoint0 will be the closest one to segmentPointA of segment AB.

a_segmentPointA First point of segment AB.
a_segmentPointB Second point of segment AB.
a_spherePos Position of sphere center.
a_sphereRadius Radius of sphere.
a_collisionPoint0 Intersection point 0 if detected.
a_collisionNormal0 Surface normal at intersection point 0
a_collisionPoint1 Intersection point 1 if detected.
a_collisionNormal1 Surface normal at intersection point 1
Returns the number of intersection points found.

int cIntersectionSegmentToplessCylinder ( cVector3d a_segmentPointA,
cVector3d a_segmentPointB,
cVector3d a_cylinderPointA,
cVector3d a_cylinderPointB,
double &  a_cylinderRadius,
cVector3d a_collisionPoint0,
cVector3d a_collisionNormal0,
cVector3d a_collisionPoint1,
cVector3d a_collisionNormal1 
) [inline]

Returns the number of intersection points between a segment AB and a open topless cylinder of radius R.
The number of intersection points can be 0, 1 or 2.
If two intersection points are detected, collisionPoint0 will correspond to the point nearest to segmentPointA of segment AB.

a_segmentPointA First point of segment AB
a_segmentPointB Second point of segment AB
a_cylinderPointA Extremity point A of cylinder.
a_cylinderPointB Extremity point B of cylinder.
a_cylinderRadius Radius of cylinder.
a_collisionPoint0 Intersection point 0 if detected
a_collisionNormal0 Surface normal at intersection point 0
a_collisionPoint1 Intersection point 1 if detected
a_collisionNormal1 Surface normal at intersection point 1
Returns the number of intersection points found

bool cIntersectionSegmentTriangle ( cVector3d a_segmentPointA,
cVector3d a_segmentPointB,
cVector3d a_triangleVertex0,
cVector3d a_triangleVertex1,
cVector3d a_triangleVertex2,
cVector3d a_collisionPoint,
cVector3d a_collisionNormal 
) [inline]

Returns true if segment AB intersects triangle defined by its three vertices (V0, V1, V2).

a_segmentPointA First point of segment AB
a_segmentPointB Second point of segment AB
a_triangleVertex0 Vertex 0 of triangle
a_triangleVertex1 Vertex 1 of triangle
a_triangleVertex2 Vertex 2 of triangle
a_collisionPoint If a collision occurs, collision point is returned here
a_collisionNormal Surface normal at the point where the collision occurred
Return true id collision occurs, otherwise return false

cMatrix3d cInv ( const cMatrix3d a_matrix  )  [inline]

Compute the inverse of a matrix.

a_matrix Input matrix.
Returns the inverse of the input matrix.

template<class T >
T cLerp ( const double &  a_level,
const T &  a_value1,
const T &  a_value2 
) [inline]

Linear interpolation from value0 (when a=0) to value1 (when a=1).

a_level Interpolation parameter.
a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
Return an interpolated result: (1-a_level) * a_value1 + a_level * a_value2

template<class T >
T cMax ( const T  a_value1,
const T  a_value2 
) [inline]

Compute maximum between two values.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
Return maximum of a_value1 and a_value2.
Note that this function should not be modified to take inputs by reference.

template<class T >
T cMax3 ( const T &  a_value1,
const T &  a_value2,
const T &  a_value3 
) [inline]

Compute maximum of 3 values.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
a_value3 Third value.
Return maximum of a_value1, a_value2 and a_value3.

template<class T >
T cMax3Abs ( const T &  a_value1,
const T &  a_value2,
const T &  a_value3 
) [inline]

Compute maximum of absolute values of 3 values.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
a_value3 Third value.
Return max(abs(p), abs(q), abs(r)).

template<class T >
T cMaxAbs ( const T  a_value1,
const T  a_value2 
) [inline]

Compute maximum of absolute values of 2 numbers.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
Return max(abs(p), abs(q)).
Note that this function should not be modified to take inputs by reference.

template<class T >
T cMin ( const T  a_value1,
const T  a_value2 
) [inline]

Compute minimum between two values.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
Return minimum of a_value1 and a_value2.
Note that this function should not be modified to take inputs by reference.

template<class T >
T cMin3 ( const T &  a_value1,
const T &  a_value2,
const T &  a_value3 
) [inline]

Return minimum of 3 values.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
a_value3 Third value.
Return minimum of a_value1, a_value2 and a_value3.

template<class T >
T cMin3Abs ( const T &  a_value1,
const T &  a_value2,
const T &  a_value3 
) [inline]

Compute minimum of absolute values of 3 values.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
a_value3 Third value.
Return min(abs(p), abs(q), abs(r)).

template<class T >
T cMinAbs ( const T  a_value1,
const T  a_value2 
) [inline]

Compute minimum of absolute values of 2 values.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.
Return min(abs(p), abs(q)).
Note that this function should not be modified to take inputs by reference.

cVector3d cMul ( const cMatrix3d a_matrix,
const cVector3d a_vector 
) [inline]

Compute the multiplication of a matrix and a vector.

a_matrix Input matrix.
a_vector Input vector.
Returns the multiplication of the matrix and vector.

cMatrix3d cMul ( const cMatrix3d a_matrix1,
const cMatrix3d a_matrix2 
) [inline]

Compute the multiplication between two matrices.

a_matrix1 First matrix.
a_matrix2 Second matrix.
Returns multiplication of /e matrix1 * /e matrix2.

cVector3d cMul ( const double &  a_value,
const cVector3d a_vector 
) [inline]

Multiply a vector by a scalar.

a_value Scalar.
a_vector Input vector.
Returns result of multiplication.

cVector3d cNegate ( const cVector3d a_vector  )  [inline]

Compute the negated vector of a input vector.

a_vector Input vector.
Return (-a_vector).

cVector3d cNormalize ( const cVector3d a_vector  )  [inline]

Compute the normalized vector (length = 1) of an input vector.

a_vector Input vector.
Returns the normalized vector.

bool cPositiveBound ( const double &  a_value,
const double &  a_boundMax 
) [inline]

Check if value is strictly positive and less than maxBound in case maxBound is positive.

a_value Value to be checked.
a_boundMax Positive bound.
Return true if value is greater than 0 and either maxBound is negative, or value is less thanmaxBound. Otherwise return false.

cVector3d cProject ( const cVector3d a_vector0,
const cVector3d a_vector1 
) [inline]

Project a vector V0 onto a second vector V1.

a_vector0 Vector 0.
a_vector1 Vector 1.
Returns the projection of V0 onto V1.

cVector3d cProjectPointOnLine ( const cVector3d a_point,
const cVector3d a_pointOnLine,
const cVector3d a_directionOfLine 
) [inline]

Compute the projection of a point on a line. the line is expressed by a point located on the line and a direction vector.

a_point Point to project on the line.
a_pointOnLine Point located on the line
a_directionOfLine Vector expressing the direction of the line
Returns the projection of a_point on the line.

void cProjectPointOnPlane ( const cVector3d a_point,
const cVector3d a_planePoint0,
const cVector3d a_planePoint1,
const cVector3d a_planePoint2,
double &  a_v01,
double  a_v02 
) [inline]

Projects a 3D point on a plane composed of three points.
This function returns two parameters v01 and v02 which correspond to the factord which express the following relation: projectedPoint = planePoint0 + v01 * V01 + v02 * V02
V01 = planePoint1 - planePoint0, and
V02 = planePoint2 - planePoint0

a_point Point to project on plane.
a_planePoint0 Point 0 on plane.
a_planePoint1 Point 1 on plane.
a_planePoint2 Point 2 on plane.
a_v01 returned factor.
a_v02 returned factor.

cVector3d cProjectPointOnPlane ( const cVector3d a_point,
const cVector3d a_planePoint0,
const cVector3d a_planePoint1,
const cVector3d a_planePoint2 
) [inline]

Compute the projection of a point on a plane. the plane is expressed by a set of three points.

a_point Point to project on plane.
a_planePoint0 Point 0 on plane.
a_planePoint1 Point 1 on plane.
a_planePoint2 Point 2 on plane.
Returns the projection of point on plane.

cVector3d cProjectPointOnPlane ( const cVector3d a_point,
const cVector3d a_planePoint,
const cVector3d n 
) [inline]

Compute the projection of a point on a plane. the plane is expressed by a point and a surface normal.

a_point Point to project on plane.
a_planePoint Point on plane.
n Plane normal.
Returns the projection of point on plane.

cVector3d cProjectPointOnSegment ( const cVector3d a_point,
const cVector3d a_segmentPointA,
const cVector3d a_segmentPointB 
) [inline]

Compute the projection of a point on a segment. the segment is described by its two extremity points.

a_point Point that is projected.
a_segmentPointA Point A of segment.
a_segmentPointB Point B of segment.
Returns the projection of a_point on the segment.

double cRadToDeg ( const double &  a_angleRad  )  [inline]

Convert an angle from radians to degrees

a_angleRad Angle in radians.
Return angle in degrees.

cMatrix3d cRotate ( const cMatrix3d a_matrix,
const cVector3d a_axis,
const double &  a_angleRad 
) [inline]

Compute the rotation of a matrix around an axis and an angle.

a_matrix Input matrix.
a_axis Axis of rotation.
a_angleRad Rotation angle in Radian.
Returns input matrix after rotation.

cMatrix3d cRotMatrix ( const cVector3d a_axis,
const double &  a_angleRad 
) [inline]

Compute a rotation matrix given a rotation axis and an angle.

a_axis Axis of rotation.
a_angleRad Rotation angle in Radian.
Returns a rotation matrix.

double cSinDeg ( const double &  a_angleDeg  )  [inline]

Compute the sine of an angle defined in degrees.

a_angleDeg Angle in degrees.
Return the sine of angle.

double cSinRad ( const double &  a_value  )  [inline]

Return the sine of an angle defined in radians.

a_value Angle in radians.
Return the sine of angle a_value.

double cSqr ( const double &  a_value  )  [inline]

Compute the square of a scalar.

a_value Input value.
Return (/e value * /e value).

cVector3d cSub ( const cVector3d a_vector1,
const cVector3d a_vector2 
) [inline]

Compute the subtraction between two vectors.
Result = Vector1 - Vector2

a_vector1 First vector.
a_vector2 Second vector.
Return result of subtraction.

template<class T >
void cSwap ( T &  a_value1,
T &  a_value2 
) [inline]

Swap two elements.

a_value1 First value.
a_value2 Second value.

double cTanDeg ( const double &  a_angleDeg  )  [inline]

Compute the tangent of an angle defined in degrees.

a_angleDeg Angle in degrees.
Return the tangent of angle.

double cTanRad ( const double &  a_value  )  [inline]

Return the tangent of an angle defined in radians.

a_value Angle in radians.
Return the tangent of angle a_value.

cMatrix3d cTrans ( const cMatrix3d a_matrix  )  [inline]

Compute the transpose of a matrix

a_matrix Input matrix.
Returns the transpose of the input matrix.

bool cZero ( const double &  a_value  )  [inline]

Check if value is equal or near zero.

a_value Value to be checked.
Returns true if it's almost zero, otherwise false.

CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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