cMatrix3d Struct Reference

cMatrix3d represents a 3x3 matrix. Each cell of the matrix is composed of a double. This matrix class also provides as simple set of methods to handle floating point arithmetic operations. More...

#include <CMatrix3d.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cMatrix3d ()
void set (const double &a_value)
void set (const double &a_m00, const double &a_m01, const double &a_m02, const double &a_m10, const double &a_m11, const double &a_m12, const double &a_m20, const double &a_m21, const double &a_m22)
void setCol (const cVector3d &a_vectCol0, const cVector3d &a_vectCol1, const cVector3d &a_vectCol2)
void setCol0 (const cVector3d &a_vectCol)
void setCol1 (const cVector3d &a_vectCol)
void setCol2 (const cVector3d &a_vectCol)
cVector3d getCol0 () const
cVector3d getCol1 () const
cVector3d getCol2 () const
cVector3d getRow (const unsigned int &index) const
cVector3d operator[] (const unsigned int &index) const
void operator/= (const double &a_val)
void operator*= (const double &a_val)
cVector3d operator* (const cVector3d &a_val)
cMatrix3d operator* (const cMatrix3d &a_val)
void operator*= (const cMatrix3d &a_val)
void operator+= (const cMatrix3d &a_input)
void operator-= (const cMatrix3d &a_input)
void copyto (cMatrix3d &a_destination) const
void copyfrom (const cMatrix3d &a_source)
void identity ()
void mul (const cMatrix3d &a_matrix)
void mulr (const cMatrix3d &a_matrix, cMatrix3d &a_result) const
void mul (cVector3d &a_vector) const
void mulr (const cVector3d &a_vector, cVector3d &a_result) const
double det () const
void trans ()
void transr (cMatrix3d &a_result) const
bool invert ()
cMatrix3d inv (bool *a_result=0) const
bool invertr (cMatrix3d &a_result) const
bool set (const cVector3d &a_axis, const double &a_angleRad)
bool rotate (const cVector3d &a_axis, const double &a_angleRad)
bool rotater (const cVector3d &a_axis, const double &a_angleRad, cMatrix3d &a_result) const
void str (string &a_string, const unsigned int a_precision=2) const
string str (const unsigned int a_precision=2) const
void print (const unsigned int a_precision=2) const
bool equals (cMatrix3d &a_matrix) const
bool toAngleAxis (double &a_angle, cVector3d &a_axis)

Public Attributes

double m [3][3]
 Array of doubles describing the matrix.

Detailed Description

cMatrix3d represents a 3x3 matrix. Each cell of the matrix is composed of a double. This matrix class also provides as simple set of methods to handle floating point arithmetic operations.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cMatrix3d::cMatrix3d (  )  [inline]

Constructor of cMatrix3d.

Member Function Documentation

void cMatrix3d::copyfrom ( const cMatrix3d a_source  )  [inline]

Copy values from an external matrix passed as parameter to current matrix.

a_source Source matrix.

void cMatrix3d::copyto ( cMatrix3d a_destination  )  const [inline]

Copy current matrix values to an external matrix passed as parameter.

a_destination Destination matrix.

double cMatrix3d::det (  )  const [inline]

Compute the determinant of current matrix.

Returns determinant of current matrix.

bool cMatrix3d::equals ( cMatrix3d a_matrix  )  const [inline]

Compare two matrices. Return true if both matrices are equal, otherwise return false.

a_matrix Matrix to compare with.
Returns true if matrices are equal, otherwise false.

cVector3d cMatrix3d::getCol0 (  )  const [inline]

Read column vector 0 of matrix.

Return vector 0 of current matrix.

cVector3d cMatrix3d::getCol1 (  )  const [inline]

Read column vector 1 of matrix.

Return vector 1 of current matrix.

cVector3d cMatrix3d::getCol2 (  )  const [inline]

Read column vector 2 of matrix.

Return vector 2 of current matrix.

cVector3d cMatrix3d::getRow ( const unsigned int &  index  )  const [inline]

Read a row of this matrix.

Return a row of this matrix... not a valid l-value; this does not return a reference into this matrix.

void cMatrix3d::identity (  )  [inline]

Set the identity matrix.

cMatrix3d cMatrix3d::inv ( bool *  a_result = 0  )  const [inline]

Compute the inverse of current matrix.
If the operation succeeds, result is returned.

a_result (optional) return true if the operation succeeds otherwise false.
Inverted matrix.

bool cMatrix3d::invert (  )  [inline]

Compute the inverse of current matrix.
If the operation succeeds, result is stored in current matrix.

Returns true if matrix was inverted successfully, otherwise return false.

bool cMatrix3d::invertr ( cMatrix3d a_result  )  const [inline]

Compute the inverse of current matrix. If the operation succeeds, result is stored in result matrix passed as parameter.

a_result Result is stored here.
Returns true if matrix was inverted successfully, otherwise return false.

void cMatrix3d::mul ( cVector3d a_vector  )  const [inline]

Multiply current matrix with an external vector passed as parameter.
vector = M * vector.
Result is stored in same vector.

a_vector Vector with which multiplication is performed.
Result is stored is same vector.

void cMatrix3d::mul ( const cMatrix3d a_matrix  )  [inline]

Multiply current matrix with an external matrix. M = M * a_matrix. Result is stored in current matrix.

a_matrix Matrix with which multiplication is performed.

void cMatrix3d::mulr ( const cVector3d a_vector,
cVector3d a_result 
) const [inline]

Multiply current matrix with a vector.
result = M * vector.
Result is stored in result vector result. `

a_vector Vector with which multiplication is performed.
a_result Result of multiplication is stored here.

void cMatrix3d::mulr ( const cMatrix3d a_matrix,
cMatrix3d a_result 
) const [inline]

Multiply current matrix with an external matrix.
result = M * matrix.
Result is stored in result matrix.

a_matrix Matrix with which multiplication is performed.
a_result Result matrix.

cMatrix3d cMatrix3d::operator* ( const cMatrix3d a_val  )  [inline]

An overloaded * operator for matrix/matrix multiplication.

cVector3d cMatrix3d::operator* ( const cVector3d a_val  )  [inline]

An overloaded * operator for matrix/vector multiplication.

void cMatrix3d::operator*= ( const cMatrix3d a_val  )  [inline]

An overloaded *= operator for matrix/matrix multiplication.

void cMatrix3d::operator*= ( const double &  a_val  )  [inline]

An overloaded *= operator for matrix/scalar multiplication.

void cMatrix3d::operator+= ( const cMatrix3d a_input  )  [inline]

An overloaded += operator for matrix/matrix addition.

void cMatrix3d::operator-= ( const cMatrix3d a_input  )  [inline]

An overloaded -= operator for matrix/matrix subtraction.

void cMatrix3d::operator/= ( const double &  a_val  )  [inline]

An overloaded /= operator for matrix/scalar division.

cVector3d cMatrix3d::operator[] ( const unsigned int &  index  )  const [inline]

This is a slightly confusing operator, because the operation:
my_matrix[1][2] = 4.0;
...compiles, but does not modify the matrix. Be careful!

void cMatrix3d::print ( const unsigned int  a_precision = 2  )  const [inline]

Print the current matrix using the CHAI_DEBUG_PRINT macro.

a_precision Number of digits.

bool cMatrix3d::rotate ( const cVector3d a_axis,
const double &  a_angleRad 
) [inline]

Rotate current matrix around an axis an angle defined as parameters.

a_axis Axis of rotation.
a_angleRad Rotation angle in Radian.
Returns true if operation succeeded. Otherwise return false.

bool cMatrix3d::rotater ( const cVector3d a_axis,
const double &  a_angleRad,
cMatrix3d a_result 
) const [inline]

Rotate current matrix around an axis an angle defined as parameters.
Result is stored in result matrix.

a_axis Axis of rotation.
a_angleRad Rotation angle in Radian.
a_result Result is stored here.
Returns true if operation succeeded. Otherwise return false.

bool cMatrix3d::set ( const cVector3d a_axis,
const double &  a_angleRad 
) [inline]

Build a rotation matrix defined by a rotation axis and rotation angle given in radian. These values are passed as parameters.
Result is stored in current matrix.

a_axis Axis of rotation.
a_angleRad Rotation angle in Radian.
Returns true if operation succeeded. Otherwise return false.

void cMatrix3d::set ( const double &  a_m00,
const double &  a_m01,
const double &  a_m02,
const double &  a_m10,
const double &  a_m11,
const double &  a_m12,
const double &  a_m20,
const double &  a_m21,
const double &  a_m22 
) [inline]

Initialize a matrix bypassing as parameter values for each cell.

a_m00 Matrix Component [0,0]
a_m01 Matrix Component [0,1]
a_m02 Matrix Component [0,2]
a_m10 Matrix Component [1,0]
a_m11 Matrix Component [1,1]
a_m12 Matrix Component [1,2]
a_m20 Matrix Component [2,0]
a_m21 Matrix Component [2,1]
a_m22 Matrix Component [2,2]

void cMatrix3d::set ( const double &  a_value  )  [inline]

Initialize a matrix with a scalar which is copied to each cell of the matrix.

a_value Value.

void cMatrix3d::setCol ( const cVector3d a_vectCol0,
const cVector3d a_vectCol1,
const cVector3d a_vectCol2 
) [inline]

Initialize a matrix by passing as parameter 3 column vectors.
M = (V0,V1,V2).

a_vectCol0 Vector Column 0.
a_vectCol1 Vector Column 1.
a_vectCol2 Vector Column 2.

void cMatrix3d::setCol0 ( const cVector3d a_vectCol  )  [inline]

Set column 0 of matrix with vector passed as parameter.

a_vectCol Vector Column 0.

void cMatrix3d::setCol1 ( const cVector3d a_vectCol  )  [inline]

Set column 1 of matrix with vector passed as parameter.

a_vectCol Vector Column 1.

void cMatrix3d::setCol2 ( const cVector3d a_vectCol  )  [inline]

Set column 2 of matrix with vector passed as parameter.

a_vectCol Vector Column 2.

string cMatrix3d::str ( const unsigned int  a_precision = 2  )  const [inline]

Convert current matrix into a string, which is returned on the stack.

a_precision Number of digits.

void cMatrix3d::str ( string &  a_string,
const unsigned int  a_precision = 2 
) const [inline]

Convert current matrix into a string.

a_string String where conversion is stored
a_precision Number of digits.

bool cMatrix3d::toAngleAxis ( double &  a_angle,
cVector3d a_axis 
) [inline]

Convert the rotation to an angle axis

a_angle Angle result
a_axis Axis result
Returns true if operation succeeded. Otherwise return false.

void cMatrix3d::trans (  )  [inline]

Compute the transpose of current matrix.
Result is stored in current matrix.

void cMatrix3d::transr ( cMatrix3d a_result  )  const [inline]

Compute the transpose of current matrix.
Result is stored in result matrix.

a_result Result is stored here.

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