cCollisionSpheresEdge Class Reference
[Collision Detection]

cCollisionSpheresEdge defines edges of shape primitives. More...

#include <CCollisionSpheresGeometry.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cCollisionSpheresEdge ()
 Constructor of cCollisionSpheresEdge.
 cCollisionSpheresEdge (cCollisionSpheresPoint *a_a, cCollisionSpheresPoint *a_b)
 Constructor of cCollisionSpheresEdge.
virtual ~cCollisionSpheresEdge ()
 Destructor of cCollisionSpheresEdge.
void initialize (cCollisionSpheresPoint *a_a, cCollisionSpheresPoint *a_b)
const cVector3dgetCenter () const
 Return the center of the edge.
double getRadius () const
 Return the radius of the edge.

Detailed Description

cCollisionSpheresEdge defines edges of shape primitives.

Member Function Documentation

void cCollisionSpheresEdge::initialize ( cCollisionSpheresPoint a_a,
cCollisionSpheresPoint a_b 


Constructor of cCollisionSpheresEdge.

a_a First vertex of the edge.
a_b Second vertex of the edge.

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