Collision Detection


class  cCollisionAABB
 cCollisionAABB provides methods to create an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box collision detection tree, and to use this tree to check for the intersection of a line segment with a mesh. More...
class  cCollisionAABBBox
 cCollisionAABBox contains the properties and methods of an axis-aligned bounding box, as used in the AABB collision detection algorithm. More...
class  cCollisionAABBNode
 cCollisionAABBNode is an abstract class that contains methods to set up internal and leaf nodes of an AABB tree and to use them to detect for collision with a line. More...
class  cCollisionAABBLeaf
 cCollisionAABBLeaf contains methods to set up leaf nodes of an AABB tree and to use them to detect for collision with a line. More...
class  cCollisionAABBInternal
 cCollisionAABBInternal contains methods to set up internal nodes of an AABB tree and to use them to detect for collision with a line. More...
struct  cCollisionEvent
 cCollisionEvent stores all information related to the intersection (or collision) between an segment and an object. More...
class  cCollisionRecorder
 cCollisionRecorder stores a list of collision events. More...
struct  cCollisionSettings
 This structure contains a list of settings which are passed to the collision detector when checking for a collision. More...
class  cCollisionBrute
 cCollisionBrute provides methods to check for the intersection of a line segment with a mesh by checking all triangles in the mesh. More...
class  cCollisionSpheres
 cCollisionSpheres provides methods to create a sphere tree for collision detection, and to use this tree to check for the intersection of a line with a mesh. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresSphere
 cCollisionSpheresSphere is an abstract class for nodes of the collision sphere tree. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresNode
 cCollisionSpheresNode defines internal nodes of the collision sphere tree and provides methods for constructing the nodes and using them to determine collisions. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresLeaf
 cCollisionSpheresLeaf defines leaf nodes of the collision sphere tree and provides methods for constructing the nodes and using them to determine collisions. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresPoint
 cCollisionSpheresPoint defines points used in the primitive shapes. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresEdge
 cCollisionSpheresEdge defines edges of shape primitives. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresGenericShape
 cCollisionSpheresGenericShape is an abstract class for shape primitives (such as triangles or lines) which are surrounded by spheres for the collision detector. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresTri
 cCollisionSpheresTri defines the triangle primitives that make up the mesh and are bounded by the collision spheres. It is essentially just a wrapper around a cTriangle object, to which it has a pointer (m_original). More...
class  cCollisionSpheresLine
 cCollisionSpheresLine defines a line primitive that may collide with other primitives. It is used for instance by the proxy algorithm. More...
class  cGenericCollision
 cGenericCollision is an abstract class for collision-detection algorithms for meshes with line segments. More...

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