cGenericDevice Class Reference

cGenericDevice Provides an general interface to communicate with hardware devices. A number of constants define a set of generic commands supported by the cGenericDevice:command method. For each generic command, we describe the data type and information that must be passed by parameter for index and data. command contains of course the command number corresponding to the following list of command constants. More...

#include <CGenericDevice.h>

Inheritance diagram for cGenericDevice:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cGenericDevice ()
 Constructor of cGenericDevice.
virtual ~cGenericDevice ()
 Destructor of cGenericDevice.
virtual int open ()
 Open connection to device (0 indicates success).
virtual int close ()
 Close connection to device (0 indicates success).
virtual int initialize (const bool a_resetEncoders=false)
 Initialize or calibrate device (0 indicates success).
virtual int command (int a_command, void *a_data)
 Send a command to the device (0 indicates success).
virtual unsigned int getNumDevices ()
 Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.
bool isSystemAvailable ()
 Returns true if the device is available for communication.
bool isSystemReady ()
 Returns true if the connection to the device has been created.
virtual bool setCallback (cCallback *a_callback)
 Ask the device to call me back periodically.

Protected Attributes

bool m_systemAvailable
 Flag that indicates if the hardware device is available to the computer.
bool m_systemReady
 Flag that indicates if connection to system was opened successfully.
 A callback method for this device (or zero if none has been registered).

Detailed Description

cGenericDevice Provides an general interface to communicate with hardware devices. A number of constants define a set of generic commands supported by the cGenericDevice:command method. For each generic command, we describe the data type and information that must be passed by parameter for index and data. command contains of course the command number corresponding to the following list of command constants.

Member Function Documentation

bool cGenericDevice::setCallback ( cCallback m_callback  )  [virtual]

Ask the device to call me back periodically.

Ask the device to call me back periodically. If this device supports timed callbacks, this function will return 'true' and will call the supplied m_callback method at haptic rates. If not, this function will return 'false', and you should create your own haptic thread.

m_callback The callback to trigger periodically, or 0 to cancel an existing callback.
Returns true if this device supports callbacks, false otherwise.

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