

class  cCallback
 cCallback is an abstract class that allows subclasses to define a single callback function, for example to be called by a device when it's time to compute haptic forces. This feature is _not_ supported by all devices; see cGenericDevice::setCallback(). More...
class  cDeltaDevice
 cDeltaDevice implements an interface to the omega.x and delta.x haptic devices from Force Dimension. More...
class  cDriverSensoray626
 cDriverSensoray626 offers an interface to the Sensoray 626 boards. More...
class  cDriverServotogo
 cDriverServotogo offers an interface to the Servo2Go boards. More...
class  cFalconDevice
 cFalconDevice describes an interface to the Falcon haptic device from Novint Technlogies. More...
class  cFreedom6SDevice
 cFreedom6SDevice describes an interface to the Freedom6S haptic device from MPB Technologies Inc. More...
class  cGenericDevice
 cGenericDevice Provides an general interface to communicate with hardware devices. A number of constants define a set of generic commands supported by the cGenericDevice:command method. For each generic command, we describe the data type and information that must be passed by parameter for index and data. command contains of course the command number corresponding to the following list of command constants. More...
struct  cTimestampValue
 Provides a structure to store a double value with a time stamp. More...
struct  cTimestampPos
 Provides a structure to store a position with a time stamp. More...
struct  cTimestampRot
 Provides a structure to store an orientation frame with a time stamp. More...
struct  cHapticDeviceInfo
 Provides a structure which can hold technical specifications about a particular haptic device. More...
class  cGenericHapticDevice
 cGenericHapticDevice describes a virtual class from which all 2D or 3D point contact haptic devices are derived. These include for instance the delta.x, omega.x or Phantom haptic devices. More...
class  cHapticDeviceHandler
 This class implements a manager which lists the different devices available on your computer and provides handles to them. More...
class  cMyCustomDevice
 cMyCustomDevice provides the structure in which you can very easily interface CHAI 3D to your custom haptic device.
class  cPhantomDevice
 cPhantomDevice describes an interface to the Phantom haptic devices from Sensable Technologies. More...
class  cVirtualDevice
 Class which interfaces with the virtual device. More...

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