cGenericTool Class Reference
[Haptic Tools]

cGenericTool describes a generic class to create virtual tools inside a virtual environment (cWorld) and connecting them to haptic devices. More...

#include <CGenericTool.h>

Inheritance diagram for cGenericTool:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cGenericTool ()
 Constructor of cGenericTool.
virtual ~cGenericTool ()
 Destructor of cGenericTool.
void setHapticDevice (cGenericHapticDevice *a_device)
 Connect this tool to a haptic device.
cGenericHapticDevicegetHapticDevice ()
 Get the handle of haptic device to wich this tool is connected to.
virtual void render (const int a_renderMode=0)
 Render the object in OpenGL.
virtual void updatePose ()
 Update Position, orientation, velocity and other degree of freedoms of tool.
virtual void computeInteractionForces ()
 Compute interaction forces with environment.
virtual void applyForces ()
 Apply latest forces to device.
virtual int start ()
 Start communication with the device connected to the tool (0 indicates success).
virtual int stop ()
 Stop communication with the device connected to the tool (0 indicates success).
virtual int initialize (const bool a_resetEncoders=false)
 Initialize encoders on device connected to the tool (0 indicates success).
virtual int setForcesON ()
 Toggle forces ON.
virtual int setForcesOFF ()
 Toggle forces OFF.
virtual bool getUserSwitch (int a_switchIndex)
 Read the status of one of the switches on this device.
virtual bool isInContact (cGenericObject *a_object)
 Check if the tool is touching a particular object.

Protected Attributes

 Handle to the haptic device driver.
int m_userSwitches
 Status of the user switches of the device attached to this tool.

Detailed Description

cGenericTool describes a generic class to create virtual tools inside a virtual environment (cWorld) and connecting them to haptic devices.

Member Function Documentation

bool cGenericTool::getUserSwitch ( int  a_switchIndex  )  [virtual]

Read the status of one of the switches on this device.

Read the status of the user switches from the haptic device controlled by this tool.

a_switchIndex Index number of the switch.
Return true if switch is active, otherwise return false.

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