cGenericHapticDevice Class Reference

cGenericHapticDevice describes a virtual class from which all 2D or 3D point contact haptic devices are derived. These include for instance the delta.x, omega.x or Phantom haptic devices. More...

#include <CGenericHapticDevice.h>

Inheritance diagram for cGenericHapticDevice:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cGenericHapticDevice ()
 Constructor of cGenericHapticDevice.
virtual ~cGenericHapticDevice ()
 Destructor of cGenericHapticDevice.
virtual int open ()
 Open connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).
virtual int close ()
 Close connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).
virtual int initialize (const bool a_resetEncoders=false)
 Initialize or calibrate haptic device (0 indicates success).
virtual int command (int a_command, void *a_data)
 Send a generic command to the haptic device (0 indicates success).
virtual int getPosition (cVector3d &a_position)
 Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].
virtual int getLinearVelocity (cVector3d &a_linearVelocity)
 Read the linear velocity of the device. Units are meters per second [m/s].
virtual int getRotation (cMatrix3d &a_rotation)
 Read the orientation frame of the device end-effector.
virtual int getAngularVelocity (cVector3d &a_angularVelocity)
 Read the angular velocity of the device. Units are in radians per second [m/s].
virtual int getGripperAngleRad (double &a_angle)
 Read the gripper angle in radian.
virtual int getGripperVelocity (double &a_gripperVelocity)
 Read the angular velocity of the gripper. Units are in radians per second [m/s].
virtual int setForce (cVector3d &a_force)
 Send a force [N] to the haptic device.
virtual int getForce (cVector3d &a_force)
 Read a sensed force [N] from the haptic device.
virtual int setTorque (cVector3d &a_torque)
 Send a torque [N*m] to the haptic device.
virtual int getTorque (cVector3d &a_torque)
 Read a sensed torque [N*m] from the haptic device.
virtual int setGripperTorque (double a_gripperTorque)
 Send a torque [N*m] to the gripper.
virtual int getGripperTorque (double a_gripperTorque)
 Read a sensed torque [N*m] from the gripper.
virtual int setForceAndTorqueAndGripper (cVector3d &a_force, cVector3d &a_torque, double a_gripperTorque)
 Send a force [N], a torque [N*m] and a gripper torque [N*m] to the haptic device.
virtual int getUserSwitch (int a_switchIndex, bool &a_status)
 read the status of the user switch [true = ON / false = OFF].
cHapticDeviceInfo getSpecifications ()
 Get the specifications of the current device.

Protected Member Functions

void estimateLinearVelocity (cVector3d &a_newPosition)
 Estimate the linear velocity by passing the latest position.
void estimateAngularVelocity (cMatrix3d &a_newRotation)
 Estimate the angular velocity by passing the latest orientation frame.
void estimateGripperVelocity (double a_newGripperPosition)
 Estimate the velocity of the gripper by passing the latest gripper position.

Protected Attributes

cHapticDeviceInfo m_specifications
 Technical specifications of the current haptic device.
cVector3d m_prevForce
 Previous sent force to the haptic device.
cVector3d m_prevTorque
 Previous sent torque to the haptic device.
double m_prevGripperTorque
 Previous sent gripper torque to the haptic device.
cVector3d m_linearVelocity
 Last estimated linear velocity.
cVector3d m_angularVelocity
 Last estimated angular velocity.
double m_gripperVelocity
 Last estimated gripper velocity.
cTimestampPos m_historyPos [CHAI_DEVICE_HISTORY_SIZE]
 History position data of the device.
cTimestampRot m_historyRot [CHAI_DEVICE_HISTORY_SIZE]
 History orientation data of the device.
cTimestampValue m_historyGripper [CHAI_DEVICE_HISTORY_SIZE]
 History position of the device gripper.
int m_indexHistoryPos
 Current index position in History data table.
int m_indexHistoryRot
 Current index position in History data table.
int m_indexHistoryGripper
 Current index position in History data table.
int m_indexHistoryPosWin
 Last index position used to compute velocity.
int m_indexHistoryRotWin
 Last index position used to compute velocity.
int m_indexHistoryGripperWin
 Last index position used to compute velocity.
double m_linearVelocityWindowSize
 Window time interval for measuring linear velocity.
double m_angularVelocityWindowSize
 Window time interval for measuring angular velocity.
double m_gripperVelocityWindowSize
 Window time interval for measuring gripper velocity.
cPrecisionClock m_clockGeneral
 General clock when the device was started.

Detailed Description

cGenericHapticDevice describes a virtual class from which all 2D or 3D point contact haptic devices are derived. These include for instance the delta.x, omega.x or Phantom haptic devices.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cGenericHapticDevice::cGenericHapticDevice (  ) 

Constructor of cGenericHapticDevice.

Constructor of cGenericHapticDevice. Initialize basic parameters of generic haptic device.

Member Function Documentation

int cGenericHapticDevice::command ( int  a_command,
void *  a_data 
) [virtual]

Send a generic command to the haptic device (0 indicates success).

Set command for the haptic device

a_command Selected command.
a_data Pointer to the corresponding data structure.
Return status of command.

Reimplemented from cGenericDevice.

void cGenericHapticDevice::estimateAngularVelocity ( cMatrix3d a_newRotation  )  [protected]

Estimate the angular velocity by passing the latest orientation frame.

Estimate the angular velocity by passing the latest orientation frame.

a_newRotation New orientation frame of the device.

void cGenericHapticDevice::estimateGripperVelocity ( double  a_newGripperPosition  )  [protected]

Estimate the velocity of the gripper by passing the latest gripper position.

Estimate the velocity of the gripper by passing the latest gripper position.

a_newGripperPosition New position of the gripper.

void cGenericHapticDevice::estimateLinearVelocity ( cVector3d a_newPosition  )  [protected]

Estimate the linear velocity by passing the latest position.

Estimate the linear velocity by passing the latest position.

a_newPosition New position of the device.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

int cGenericHapticDevice::setForceAndTorqueAndGripper ( cVector3d a_force,
cVector3d a_torque,
double  a_gripperTorque 
) [virtual]

Send a force [N], a torque [N*m] and a gripper torque [N*m] to the haptic device.

Send a force [N] and a torque [N*m] and gripper force [N] to the haptic device.

a_force Force command.
a_torque Torque command.
a_gripperTorque Gripper torque command.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented in cDeltaDevice, cFreedom6SDevice, and cMyCustomDevice.

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