cMesh Class Reference

cMesh represents a collection of vertices, triangles, materials, and texture properties that can be rendered graphically and haptically. More...

#include <CMesh.h>

Inheritance diagram for cMesh:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cMesh (cWorld *a_world)
 Constructor of cMesh.
virtual ~cMesh ()
 Destructor of cMesh.
cWorldgetParentWorld () const
 Get parent world.
void setParentWorld (cWorld *a_world)
 Set parent world.
virtual bool loadFromFile (const string &a_fileName)
 Load a 3D object file (CHAI currently supports .obj and .3ds files).
unsigned int newVertex (const double a_x, const double a_y, const double a_z)
 Create a new vertex and add it to the vertex list.
unsigned int newVertex (const cVector3d &a_pos)
 Create a new vertex and add it to the vertex list.
void addVertices (const cVector3d *a_vertexPositions, const unsigned int &a_numVertices)
 Add an array of vertices to the vertex list given an array of vertex positions.
bool removeVertex (const unsigned int a_index)
 Remove the vertex at the specified position in my vertex array.
cVertexgetVertex (unsigned int a_index, bool a_includeChildren=false)
 Access the vertex at the specified position in my vertex array (and maybe my childrens' arrays).
const cVertexgetVertex (unsigned int a_index, bool a_includeChildren=false) const
 Access the vertex at the specified position in my vertex array (and maybe my childrens' arrays).
unsigned int getNumVertices (bool a_includeChildren=false) const
 Read the number of stored vertices, optionally including those of my children.
virtual vector< cVertex > * pVertices ()
 Access my vertex list directly (use carefully).
virtual const vector< cVertex > * pVertices () const
 Access my vertex list directly (use carefully).
virtual vector< cVertex > * pVerticesNonEmpty ()
 Access the first non-empty vertex list in any of my children (use carefully).
unsigned int newTriangle (const unsigned int a_indexVertex0, const unsigned int a_indexVertex1, const unsigned int a_indexVertex2)
 Create a new triangle by passing vertex indices.
unsigned int newTriangle (const cVector3d &a_vertex0, const cVector3d &a_vertex1, const cVector3d &a_vertex2)
 Create a new triangle and three new vertices by passing vertex positions.
bool removeTriangle (const unsigned int a_index)
 Remove a triangle from my triangle array.
cTrianglegetTriangle (unsigned int a_index, bool a_includeChildren=false)
 Access the triangle at the specified position in my triangle array.
unsigned int getNumTriangles (bool a_includeChildren=false) const
 Read the number of stored triangles, optionally including those of my children.
void clear ()
 Clear all triangles and vertices of mesh.
vector< cTriangle > * pTriangles ()
 Access my triangle array directly (use carefully).
virtual void setTransparencyLevel (const float a_level, const bool a_applyToTextures=false, const bool a_affectChildren=true)
 Set the alpha value at each vertex and in all of my material colors.
void setVertexColor (const cColorf &a_color, const bool a_affectChildren=true)
 Set color of each vertex, optionally propagating the operation to my children.
void useDisplayList (const bool a_useDisplayList, const bool a_affectChildren=true)
 Enable or disable the use of a display list for rendering, optionally propagating the operation to my children.
void useVertexArrays (const bool a_useVertexArrays, const bool a_affectChildren=true)
 Enable or disable the use vertex arrays for rendering, optionally propagating the operation to my children.
bool getDisplayListEnabled () const
 Ask whether I'm currently rendering with a display list.
void invalidateDisplayList (const bool a_affectChildren=true)
 Invalidate any existing display lists.
void setShowNormals (const bool &a_showNormals, const bool a_affectChildren=true, const bool a_trianglesOnly=false)
 Enable or disable the rendering of vertex normals, optionally propagating the operation to my children.
bool getShowNormals () const
 Returns whether rendering of normals is enabled.
void setNormalsProperties (const double a_length, const cColorf &a_color, const bool a_affectChildren)
 Set graphic properties for normal-rendering, optionally propagating the operation to my children.
bool getColorsEnabled () const
 Are vertex colors currently enabled?
virtual void onDisplayReset (const bool a_affectChildren=true)
 Re-initializes textures and display lists.
virtual void createBruteForceCollisionDetector (bool a_affectChildren, bool a_useNeighbors)
 Set up a brute force collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) for its children.
virtual void createAABBCollisionDetector (double a_radius, bool a_affectChildren, bool a_useNeighbors)
 Set up an AABB collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) its children.
virtual void createSphereTreeCollisionDetector (double a_radius, bool a_affectChildren, bool a_useNeighbors)
 Set up a sphere tree collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) its children.
void createTriangleNeighborList (bool a_affectChildren)
 Create a lists for neighbor triangles for each triangle of the mesh.
void findNeighbors (std::vector< cTriangle * > *search1, std::vector< cTriangle * > *search2, const int &v1, const int &v2)
 Search for triangle neighbors.
void computeAllNormals (const bool a_affectChildren=false)
 Compute all triangle normals, optionally propagating the operation to my children.
void extrude (const double a_extrudeDistance, const bool a_affectChildren=false, const bool a_updateCollisionDetector=false)
 Extrude each vertex of the mesh by some amount along its normal.
virtual void offsetVertices (const cVector3d &a_offset, const bool a_affectChildren=false, const bool a_updateCollisionDetector=true)
virtual void scaleObject (const cVector3d &a_scaleFactors)
 Scale vertices and normals by the specified scale factors and re-normalize.
virtual cMeshcreateMesh () const
 Simple method used to create a new (empty) mesh of my type.
virtual void renderMesh (const int a_renderMode=0)
 Render triangles, material and texture properties.
virtual cVector3d getCenterOfMass (const bool a_includeChildren=0)
 Compute the center of mass of this mesh, based on vertex positions.
virtual void reverseAllNormals (const bool a_affectChildren=0)
 Reverse all normals on this model.
virtual void removeRedundantTriangles (const bool a_affectChildren=0)
 Remove redundant triangles from this model.

Protected Member Functions

virtual void render (const int a_renderMode=0)
 Render the mesh itself.
virtual void renderNormals (const bool a_trianglesOnly=true)
 Draw a small line for each vertex normal.
virtual void updateGlobalPositions (const bool a_frameOnly)
 Update the global position of each of my vertices.
virtual void updateBoundaryBox ()
 Update my boundary box dimensions based on my vertices.

Protected Attributes

 Parent world.
bool m_showNormals
 If true, then normals are displayed.
bool m_showNormalsForTriangleVerticesOnly
 If true, normals are displayed only for vertices that are used in triangles.
cColorf m_showNormalsColor
 Color used to render lines representing normals.
double m_showNormalsLength
 Length of each normal (for graphic rendering of normals).
bool m_useDisplayList
 Should we use a display list to render this mesh?
bool m_useVertexArrays
 Should we use vertex arrays to render this mesh?
int m_displayList
 The openGL display list used to draw this mesh, if display lists are enabled.
vector< cVertexm_vertices
 Array of vertices.
list< unsigned int > m_freeVertices
 List of free slots in the vertex array.
vector< cTrianglem_triangles
 Array of triangles.
list< unsigned int > m_freeTriangles
 List of free slots in the triangle array.

Detailed Description

cMesh represents a collection of vertices, triangles, materials, and texture properties that can be rendered graphically and haptically.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cMesh::cMesh ( cWorld a_world  ) 

Constructor of cMesh.

Constructor of cMesh

a_world Pointer to parent world.

Member Function Documentation

void cMesh::addVertices ( const cVector3d a_vertexPositions,
const unsigned int &  a_numVertices 

Add an array of vertices to the vertex list given an array of vertex positions.

Create a new vertex for each supplied position and add it to the vertex list.

a_vertexPositions List of vertex positions to add
a_numVertices Number of vertices in a_vertexPositions

void cMesh::clear (  ) 

Clear all triangles and vertices of mesh.

Clear all triangles and vertices.

void cMesh::computeAllNormals ( const bool  a_affectChildren = false  ) 

Compute all triangle normals, optionally propagating the operation to my children.

Compute surface normals for every vertex in the mesh, by averaging the face normals of the triangle that include each vertex.

a_affectChildren If true, then children are also updated.

void cMesh::createAABBCollisionDetector ( double  a_radius,
bool  a_affectChildren,
bool  a_useNeighbors 
) [virtual]

Set up an AABB collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) its children.

Set up an AABB collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) its children

a_radius Bounding radius.
a_affectChildren Create collision detectors for children?
a_useNeighbors Create neighbor lists?

void cMesh::createBruteForceCollisionDetector ( bool  a_affectChildren,
bool  a_useNeighbors 
) [virtual]

Set up a brute force collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) for its children.

Set up a Brute Force collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) its children

a_affectChildren Create collision detectors for children?
a_useNeighbors Create neighbor lists?

void cMesh::createSphereTreeCollisionDetector ( double  a_radius,
bool  a_affectChildren,
bool  a_useNeighbors 
) [virtual]

Set up a sphere tree collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) its children.

Set up a sphere tree collision detector for this mesh and (optionally) its children

a_radius Bounding radius.
a_affectChildren Create collision detectors for children?
a_useNeighbors Create neighbor lists?

void cMesh::createTriangleNeighborList ( bool  a_affectChildren  ) 

Create a lists for neighbor triangles for each triangle of the mesh.

Set up for each triangle a list of neighbor triangles

a_affectChildren Create neighborlists for children?

void cMesh::extrude ( const double  a_extrudeDistance,
const bool  a_affectChildren = false,
const bool  a_updateCollisionDetector = false 

Extrude each vertex of the mesh by some amount along its normal.

Extrude each vertex of the mesh by some amount along its normal

a_extrudeDistance Distance to move each vertex
a_affectChildren If true, children are also modified.
a_updateCollisionDetector If true, this mesh's collision detector is re-initialized

void cMesh::findNeighbors ( std::vector< cTriangle * > *  search1,
std::vector< cTriangle * > *  search2,
const int &  v1,
const int &  v2 

Search for triangle neighbors.

Find pairs of neighboring triangles that share specific vertices, given vectors of those triangles sorted by the x-coordinates of those vertices (first, second, or third), using a merge join. We define two triangles to be neighbors if and only if they have a common vertex (within some distance tolerance). In this function, we are only concerned about matching triangles whose vertex v1 in search1 is shared (within tolerance) with vertex v2 in search2; this function should be called once for each possible combination (order doesn't matter) of v1=0..2 and v2=0..2 to find all neighbors. Two shared vertices must have equal x-coordinates (within tolerance), which allows us to check for matches using a merge join on lists sorted by x-coordinate. (Using y-coordinates or z-coordinates would have been equally valid.)

search1 First vector of triangles, sorted by x-coords of some vertex.
search2 Second vector of triangles, sorted by x-coords of some vertex.
v1 Which vertex the first vector is sorted by (0, 1, or 2).
v2 Which vertex the second vector is sorted by (0, 1, or 2).

cVector3d cMesh::getCenterOfMass ( const bool  a_includeChildren = 0  )  [virtual]

Compute the center of mass of this mesh, based on vertex positions.

Compute the center of mass of this mesh, based on vertex positions.

a_includeChildren If true, then childrens' COM's are reflected.

unsigned int cMesh::getNumTriangles ( bool  a_includeChildren = false  )  const

Read the number of stored triangles, optionally including those of my children.

Returns the number of triangles contained in this mesh, optionally including its children.

a_includeChildren If true, then children are also included.

unsigned int cMesh::getNumVertices ( bool  a_includeChildren = false  )  const

Read the number of stored vertices, optionally including those of my children.

Returns the number of vertices contained in this mesh, optionally including its children.

a_includeChildren If true, then children are also included.

cTriangle * cMesh::getTriangle ( unsigned int  a_index,
bool  a_includeChildren = false 

Access the triangle at the specified position in my triangle array.

Returns the specified triangle... if a_includeChildren is false, I just index into my triangle array (no boundary checking, since this is called often).

If a_includeChildren is true, I start counting through my own triangle array, then each of my children... in the process, I'm going to call getNumTriangles(true) on each of my children, so this is a recursive and unbounded (though generally fast) version of this method.

a_index The index of the requested triangle
a_includeChildren If true, then children are also included.

cVertex * cMesh::getVertex ( unsigned int  a_index,
bool  a_includeChildren = false 

Access the vertex at the specified position in my vertex array (and maybe my childrens' arrays).

Returns the specified vertex... if a_includeChildren is false, I just index into my vertex array (no boundary checking, since this is called often).

If a_includeChildren is true, I start counting through my own vertex array, then each of my children... in the process, I'm going to call getNumVertices(true) on each of my children, so this is a recursive and unbounded (though generally fast) version of this method.

a_index The index of the requested vertex
a_includeChildren If true, then children are also included.

void cMesh::invalidateDisplayList ( const bool  a_affectChildren = true  ) 

Invalidate any existing display lists.

Invalidate any existing display lists. You should call this on if you're using display lists and you modify mesh options, vertex positions, etc.

a_affectChildren If true all children are updated

bool cMesh::loadFromFile ( const string &  a_fileName  )  [virtual]

Load a 3D object file (CHAI currently supports .obj and .3ds files).

Load a 3D mesh file. CHAI currently supports .obj and .3ds files.

a_fileName Filename of 3d image.
Return true is file loaded correctly. Otherwise return FALSE.

unsigned int cMesh::newTriangle ( const cVector3d a_vertex0,
const cVector3d a_vertex1,
const cVector3d a_vertex2 

Create a new triangle and three new vertices by passing vertex positions.

Create a new triangle and three new vertices by passing vertex positions

a_vertex0 Position of vertex 0.
a_vertex1 Position of vertex 1.
a_vertex2 Position of vertex 2.
Return index position of new triangle.

unsigned int cMesh::newTriangle ( const unsigned int  a_indexVertex0,
const unsigned int  a_indexVertex1,
const unsigned int  a_indexVertex2 

Create a new triangle by passing vertex indices.

Create a new triangle and three new vertices by passing vertex indices

a_indexVertex0 index position of vertex 0.
a_indexVertex1 index position of vertex 1.
a_indexVertex2 index position of vertex 2.
Return the index of the new triangle in my triangle array

unsigned int cMesh::newVertex ( const double  a_x,
const double  a_y,
const double  a_z 

Create a new vertex and add it to the vertex list.

Create a new vertex and add it to the vertex list.

a_x X coordinate of vertex.
a_y Y coordinate of vertex.
a_z Z coordinate of vertex.
Return index position of new vertex.

void cMesh::offsetVertices ( const cVector3d a_offset,
const bool  a_affectChildren = false,
const bool  a_updateCollisionDetector = true 
) [virtual]

Shifts all vertex positions by the specified amount.
Use setPos() if you want to move the whole mesh for rendering.

Shifts all vertex positions by the specified amount.

Use setPos() if you want to move the whole mesh for rendering.

a_offset Translation to apply to each vertex
a_affectChildren If true, children are also modified.
a_updateCollisionDetector If true, this mesh's collision detector is re-initialized

void cMesh::onDisplayReset ( const bool  a_affectChildren = true  )  [virtual]

Re-initializes textures and display lists.

Users can call this function when it's necessary to re-initialize the OpenGL context; e.g. re-initialize textures and display lists. Subclasses should perform whatever re-initialization they need to do.

a_affectChildren If true all children are updated

Reimplemented from cGenericObject.

vector< cVertex > * cMesh::pVerticesNonEmpty (  )  [virtual]

Access the first non-empty vertex list in any of my children (use carefully).

Access the first vertex list in any of my children (use carefully)

void cMesh::removeRedundantTriangles ( const bool  a_affectChildren = 0  )  [virtual]

Remove redundant triangles from this model.

Remove redundant triangles from this model. Does not use vertex positions at all, just removed triangles with redundant indices and obviously- degenerate triangles.

a_affectChildren If true, children are also modified.

bool cMesh::removeTriangle ( const unsigned int  a_index  ) 

Remove a triangle from my triangle array.

Remove a vertex from the vertex array by passing its index number.

a_index Index number of vertex.
Return true if operation succeeded.

bool cMesh::removeVertex ( const unsigned int  a_index  ) 

Remove the vertex at the specified position in my vertex array.

Remove the vertex at the specified position in my vertex array

a_index Index number of vertex.
Return true if operation succeeded.

void cMesh::render ( const int  a_renderMode = 0  )  [protected, virtual]

Render the mesh itself.

Render this mesh in OpenGL. This method actually just prepares some OpenGL state, and uses renderMesh to actually do the rendering.

a_renderMode Rendering mode (see cGenericObject)

Reimplemented from cGenericObject.

Reimplemented in cGELMesh.

void cMesh::renderMesh ( const int  a_renderMode = 0  )  [virtual]

Render triangles, material and texture properties.

Render the mesh itself. This function is declared public to allow sharing of data among meshes, which is not possible given most implementations of 'protected'. But it should only be accessed from within render() or derived versions of render().

void cMesh::renderNormals ( const bool  a_trianglesOnly = true  )  [protected, virtual]

Draw a small line for each vertex normal.

Render a graphic representation of each normal of the mesh.

void cMesh::reverseAllNormals ( const bool  a_affectChildren = 0  )  [virtual]

Reverse all normals on this model.

Reverse the normal for every vertex on this model. Useful for models that started with inverted faces and thus gave inward-pointing normals.

a_affectChildren If true, children are also modified.

void cMesh::scaleObject ( const cVector3d a_scaleFactors  )  [virtual]

Scale vertices and normals by the specified scale factors and re-normalize.

Resize the current mesh by scaling all my vertex positions. If you want to move vertices along their normals, use the extrude() function.

a_scaleFactors x,y,z scale factors.

Reimplemented from cGenericObject.

void cMesh::setNormalsProperties ( const double  a_length,
const cColorf a_color,
const bool  a_affectChildren 

Set graphic properties for normal-rendering, optionally propagating the operation to my children.

Define the way normals are graphically rendered, optionally propagating the operation to my children

a_length Length of normals
a_color Color of normals
a_affectChildren If true, then children also modified.

void cMesh::setShowNormals ( const bool &  a_showNormals,
const bool  a_affectChildren = true,
const bool  a_trianglesOnly = false 

Enable or disable the rendering of vertex normals, optionally propagating the operation to my children.

Enable or disable the graphic rendering of normal vectors at each vertex, optionally propagating the operation to my children

a_showNormals If true, normal vectors are rendered graphically
a_affectChildren If true, then children also modified
a_trianglesOnly If true, normals are rendered only at vertices that are used in triangles.

void cMesh::setTransparencyLevel ( const float  a_level,
const bool  a_applyToTextures = false,
const bool  a_affectChildren = true 
) [virtual]

Set the alpha value at each vertex and in all of my material colors.

Set the alpha value at each vertex, in all of my material colors, optionally propagating the operation to my children.

Using the 'apply to textures' option causes the actual texture alpha values to be over-written in my texture, if it exists.

[Editor's note: the 'apply to textures' option is not currently enabled, since (a) it's a silly way to control transparency and (b) not all textures have an alpha channel.]

a_level Level of transparency ranging from 0.0 to 1.0.
a_applyToTextures If true, then apply changes to texture
a_affectChildren If true, then children also modified.

Reimplemented from cGenericObject.

void cMesh::setVertexColor ( const cColorf a_color,
const bool  a_affectChildren = true 

Set color of each vertex, optionally propagating the operation to my children.

Set color of each vertex.

a_color New color to be applied to each vertex
a_affectChildren If true, then children also modified.

void cMesh::updateBoundaryBox (  )  [protected, virtual]

Update my boundary box dimensions based on my vertices.

Compute the axis-aligned boundary box that encloses all triangles in this mesh

Reimplemented from cGenericObject.

void cMesh::updateGlobalPositions ( const bool  a_frameOnly  )  [protected, virtual]

Update the global position of each of my vertices.

Compute the global position of all vertices

a_frameOnly If false, the global position of all vertices is computed, otherwise this function does nothing.

Reimplemented from cGenericObject.

void cMesh::useDisplayList ( const bool  a_useDisplayList,
const bool  a_affectChildren = true 

Enable or disable the use of a display list for rendering, optionally propagating the operation to my children.

This enables the use of display lists for mesh rendering. This should significantly speed up rendering for large meshes, but it means that any changes you make to any cMesh options or any vertex positions will not take effect until you invalidate the existing display list (by calling invalidateDisplayList()).

In general, if you aren't having problems with rendering performance, don't bother with this; you don't want to worry about having to invalidate display lists every time you change a tiny option.

a_useDisplayList If true, this mesh will be rendered with a display list
a_affectChildren If true, then children also modified.

void cMesh::useVertexArrays ( const bool  a_useVertexArrays,
const bool  a_affectChildren = true 

Enable or disable the use vertex arrays for rendering, optionally propagating the operation to my children.

This enables the use of vertex arrays for mesh rendering. This mode can be faster than the classical approach, however crashes sometime occur on certain types of graphic cards.

In general, if you aren't having problems with rendering performance, don't bother with this.

a_useVertexArrays If true, this mesh will be rendered using vertex array technique
a_affectChildren If true, then children also modified.

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CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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