cHapticDeviceInfo Struct Reference

Provides a structure which can hold technical specifications about a particular haptic device. More...

#include <CGenericHapticDevice.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

string m_modelName
 Name of the device model. "delta, "omega" or "phantom" for instance.
string m_manufacturerName
 Name of the manufacturer of the device.
double m_maxForce
 Maximum force in [N] that can be produced by the device in translation.
double m_maxTorque
 Maximum torque in [N*m] that can be produced by the device in orientation.
double m_maxGripperTorque
 Maximum force in [N*m] that can be produced by the gripper.
double m_maxForceStiffness
 Maximum closed loop force stiffness [N/m] for a simulation running at 1 KhZ.
double m_maxTorqueStiffness
 Maximum closed loop torque stiffness [N*m/rad] for a simulation running at 1 KhZ.
double m_maxGripperTorqueStiffness
 Maximum closed loop gripper torque stiffness [N*m/rad] for a simulation running at 1 KhZ.
double m_maxLinearDamping
 Maximum recommended linear damping factor Kv when using the getVelocity() method from the device class.
double m_workspaceRadius
 Radius which describes the largest sphere (3D devices) or circle (2D Devices) which can be enclosed inside the physical workspace of the device.
bool m_sensedPosition
 If true then device supports position sensing (x,y,z axis).
bool m_sensedRotation
 If true thhen device supports rotation sensing. (i.e stylus, pen).
bool m_sensedGripper
 If true then device supports a sensed gripper interface.
bool m_actuatedPosition
 If true then device provides actuation capabilities on the translation degrees of freedom. (x,y,z axis).
bool m_actuatedRotation
 If true then device provides actuation capabilities on the orientation degrees of freedom. (i.e stylus, pen).
bool m_actuatedGripper
 If true then device provides actuation capabilities on the gripper.
bool m_leftHand
 If true then the device can used for left hands.
bool m_rightHand
 If true then the device can used for left hands.

Detailed Description

Provides a structure which can hold technical specifications about a particular haptic device.
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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