cGELVertex Class Reference
[Module - GEL Dynamics Engine (Deformable Body Simulation)]

cGELVertex implement a cVertex class with a mass particle for simulating deformable objects More...

#include <CGELVertex.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cGELVertex (cVertex *a_vertex)
 Constructor of cGELVertex.
virtual ~cGELVertex ()
 Destructor of cGELVertex.

Public Attributes

 Mesh object vertex.
 Mass particle for current vertex.
 Skeleton link to which this vertex may be linked to.
 Skeleton node to which this vertex may be linked to.

Detailed Description

cGELVertex implement a cVertex class with a mass particle for simulating deformable objects
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CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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