cGenericPointForceAlgo Class Reference
[Force Rendering Algorithms]

cGenericPointForceAlgo is an abstract class for algorithms that compute single point force contacts. More...

#include <CGenericPointForceAlgo.h>

Inheritance diagram for cGenericPointForceAlgo:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cGenericPointForceAlgo ()
 Constructor of cGenericPointForceAlgo.
virtual ~cGenericPointForceAlgo ()
 Destructor of cGenericPointForceAlgo.
cWorldgetWorld ()
 Get a pointer to the world in which the force algorithm is operating.
virtual void initialize (cWorld *a_world, const cVector3d &a_initialPos)
 Initialize the algorithm by passing the initial position of the device.
virtual cVector3d computeForces (const cVector3d &a_toolPos, const cVector3d &a_toolVel)
 Compute the next force given the updated position of the device.

Protected Attributes

 Pointer to the world in which the force algorithm operates.

Detailed Description

cGenericPointForceAlgo is an abstract class for algorithms that compute single point force contacts.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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