

struct  cColorf
 cColorf describes a color composed of 4 GLfloats. More...
struct  cColorb
 cColorb describes a color composed of 4 bytes. More...
class  cGenericTexture
 cGenericTexture implements a base class for handling OpenGL textures. More...
struct  cMatrixGL
 CHAI describes rotations using 3x3 rotation matrices (cMatrix3d) and 3D vectors (cVector3d) to express position or translation. On the OpenGL side 4x4 matrices are required to perform all geometric transformations. cMatrixGL provides a structure which encapsulates all the necessary functionality to generate 4x4 OpenGL transformation matrices from 3D position vectors and rotation matrices.
. More...
class  cMaterial
 cMaterial provide a description for handling OpenGL graphic material properties. These include: ambient color, diffuse color, specular color, emissive color, and shininess.
class  cTexture2D
 cTexture2D describes a 2D bitmap texture used for OpenGL texture-mapping More...
struct  cTriangle
 cTriangle defines a triangle, typically bound to a mesh for graphic rendering. More...
struct  cVertex
 cVertex defines a point in 3 dimensional space and the associated rendering properties (position, color, texture coordinate, and surface normal) More...


file  CDraw3D.h
Drawing Macros.

CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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