cMatrixGL Struct Reference

CHAI describes rotations using 3x3 rotation matrices (cMatrix3d) and 3D vectors (cVector3d) to express position or translation. On the OpenGL side 4x4 matrices are required to perform all geometric transformations. cMatrixGL provides a structure which encapsulates all the necessary functionality to generate 4x4 OpenGL transformation matrices from 3D position vectors and rotation matrices.
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#include <CMacrosGL.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cMatrixGL ()
const double * pMatrix () const
void set (const cVector3d &a_pos)
cVector3d getPos () const
cMatrix3d getRot () const
void set (const cMatrix3d &a_rot)
void set (const cVector3d &a_pos, const cMatrix3d &a_rot)
void copyto (cMatrixGL &a_destination) const
void copyfrom (const cMatrixGL &a_source)
void identity ()
void mul (const cMatrixGL &a_matrix)
void mulr (const cMatrix3d &a_matrix, cMatrix3d &a_result) const
void trans ()
void transr (cMatrixGL &a_result) const
void buildFrustumMatrix (double l, double r, double b, double t, double n, double f)
bool invert ()
void buildPerspectiveMatrix (double fovy, double aspect, double zNear, double zFar)
void buildLookAtMatrix (double eyex, double eyey, double eyez, double centerx, double centery, double centerz, double upx, double upy, double upz)
void buildLookAtMatrix (cVector3d &a_eye, cVector3d &a_lookAt, cVector3d a_up)
void glMatrixPush ()
void glMatrixLoad ()
void glMatrixMultiply ()
void glMatrixPushMultiply ()
void glMatrixPop ()
void str (std::string &a_string, int a_precision)

Detailed Description

CHAI describes rotations using 3x3 rotation matrices (cMatrix3d) and 3D vectors (cVector3d) to express position or translation. On the OpenGL side 4x4 matrices are required to perform all geometric transformations. cMatrixGL provides a structure which encapsulates all the necessary functionality to generate 4x4 OpenGL transformation matrices from 3D position vectors and rotation matrices.

cMatrixGL also provides OpenGL calls to push, multiply and pop matrices off the OpenGL stack.

Note that OpenGL Matrices are COLUMN major, but CHAI matrices (and all other matrices in the universe) are ROW major.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cMatrixGL::cMatrixGL (  )  [inline]

Default constructor of cMatrixGL.

Member Function Documentation

void cMatrixGL::buildFrustumMatrix ( double  l,
double  r,
double  b,
double  t,
double  n,
double  f 
) [inline]

Create a frustum matrix, as defined by the glFrustum function.

void cMatrixGL::buildLookAtMatrix ( cVector3d a_eye,
cVector3d a_lookAt,
cVector3d  a_up 
) [inline]

Build a 4x4 matrix transform, according to the gluLookAt function.

void cMatrixGL::buildLookAtMatrix ( double  eyex,
double  eyey,
double  eyez,
double  centerx,
double  centery,
double  centerz,
double  upx,
double  upy,
double  upz 
) [inline]

Build a 4x4 matrix transform, according to the gluLookAt function.

void cMatrixGL::buildPerspectiveMatrix ( double  fovy,
double  aspect,
double  zNear,
double  zFar 
) [inline]

Build a perspective matrix, according to the gluPerspective function.

void cMatrixGL::copyfrom ( const cMatrixGL a_source  )  [inline]

Copy values from an external matrix passed as parameter to this matrix.

a_source Source matrix.

void cMatrixGL::copyto ( cMatrixGL a_destination  )  const [inline]

Copy the current matrix to an external matrix passed as a parameter.

a_destination Destination matrix.

cVector3d cMatrixGL::getPos (  )  const [inline]

Extract the translational component of this matrix.

cMatrix3d cMatrixGL::getRot (  )  const [inline]

Extract the rotational component of this matrix.

void cMatrixGL::glMatrixLoad (  )  [inline]

Load the current OpenGL matrix with this cMatrixGL matrix.

void cMatrixGL::glMatrixMultiply (  )  [inline]

Multiply the current OpenGL matrix with this cMatrixGL matrix.

void cMatrixGL::glMatrixPop (  )  [inline]

Pop current OpenGL matrix off the stack.

void cMatrixGL::glMatrixPush (  )  [inline]

Push the current OpenGL matrix stack.

void cMatrixGL::glMatrixPushMultiply (  )  [inline]

Push the current OpenGL matrix stack and multiply with this cMatrixGL matrix.

void cMatrixGL::identity (  )  [inline]

Set this matrix to be equal to the identity matrix.

bool cMatrixGL::invert (  )  [inline]

Invert this matrix.

Returns true if operation succeeds. Otherwise false.

void cMatrixGL::mul ( const cMatrixGL a_matrix  )  [inline]

Left-multiply the current matrix by an external matrix passed as a parameter. That is, compute:

this = a_matrix * this

Remember that all matrices are column-major. That's why the following code looks like right-multiplication...

a_matrix Matrix with which multiplication is performed.

void cMatrixGL::mulr ( const cMatrix3d a_matrix,
cMatrix3d a_result 
) const [inline]

Left-multiply the current matrix by an external matrix passed as a parameter, storing the result externally. That is, compute:

a_result = a_matrix * this;

Remember that all matrices are column-major. That's why the following code looks like right-multiplication...

a_matrix Matrix with which multiplication is performed.
a_result Matrix where the result is stored.

const double* cMatrixGL::pMatrix (  )  const [inline]

Returns a pointer to the matrix array in memory.

Returns a pointer of type double.

void cMatrixGL::set ( const cVector3d a_pos,
const cMatrix3d a_rot 
) [inline]

Create an OpenGL translation matrix from a 3-vector and a 3x3 matrix passed as a parameter.

a_pos Translational component of the transformation.
a_rot Rotational component of the transformation.

void cMatrixGL::set ( const cMatrix3d a_rot  )  [inline]

Create an OpenGL rotation matrix from a 3x3 rotation matrix passed as a parameter.

a_rot The source rotation matrix.

void cMatrixGL::set ( const cVector3d a_pos  )  [inline]

Creates OpenGL translation matrix from a position vector passed as parameter.

a_pos Input vector.

void cMatrixGL::str ( std::string &  a_string,
int  a_precision 
) [inline]

Convert the current matrix into an std::string.

a_string String where conversion is stored
a_precision Number of digits

void cMatrixGL::trans (  )  [inline]

Transpose this matrix.

void cMatrixGL::transr ( cMatrixGL a_result  )  const [inline]

Transpose this matrix and store the result in a_result.

a_result Result is stored here.

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CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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