cCollisionAABBNode Class Reference
[Collision Detection]

cCollisionAABBNode is an abstract class that contains methods to set up internal and leaf nodes of an AABB tree and to use them to detect for collision with a line. More...

#include <CCollisionAABBTree.h>

Inheritance diagram for cCollisionAABBNode:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cCollisionAABBNode ()
 Constructor of cCollisionAABBNode.
 cCollisionAABBNode (aabb_node_types a_nodeType, int a_depth)
 Constructor of cCollisionAABBNode.
virtual ~cCollisionAABBNode ()
 Destructor of cCollisionAABBNode.
virtual void fitBBox (double a_radius=0)
 Create a bounding box for the portion of the model at or below the node.
virtual void render (int a_depth=-1)=0
 Draw the edges of the bounding box for this node, if at the given depth.
virtual bool computeCollision (cVector3d &a_segmentPointA, cVector3d &a_segmentDirection, cCollisionAABBBox &a_lineBox, cCollisionRecorder &a_recorder, cCollisionSettings &a_settings)=0
 Determine whether line intersects mesh bounded by subtree rooted at node.
virtual bool contains_triangle (int a_tag)=0
 Return true if this node contains the specified triangle tag.
virtual void setParent (cCollisionAABBNode *a_parent, int a_recusive)=0
 Set the parent of this node.

Public Attributes

cCollisionAABBBox m_bbox
 The bounding box for this node.
int m_depth
 The depth of this node in the collision tree.
 Parent node of this node.
int m_nodeType
 The node type, used only for proper deletion right now.

Detailed Description

cCollisionAABBNode is an abstract class that contains methods to set up internal and leaf nodes of an AABB tree and to use them to detect for collision with a line.
The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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