cCollisionSpheresGenericShape Class Reference
[Collision Detection]

cCollisionSpheresGenericShape is an abstract class for shape primitives (such as triangles or lines) which are surrounded by spheres for the collision detector. More...

#include <CCollisionSpheresGeometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for cCollisionSpheresGenericShape:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cCollisionSpheresGenericShape ()
 Constructor of cCollisionSpheresGenericShape.
virtual ~cCollisionSpheresGenericShape ()
 Destructor of cCollisionSpheresGenericShape.
virtual const cVector3dgetCenter () const =0
 Return center.
virtual double getRadius () const =0
 Return radius.
virtual bool computeCollision (cCollisionSpheresGenericShape *a_other, cCollisionRecorder &a_recorder, cCollisionSettings &a_settings)=0
 Determine whether this primitive intersects the given primitive.
virtual cCollisionSpheresLeafgetSphere ()
 Return pointer to bounding sphere of this primitive shape.
virtual void setSphere (cCollisionSpheresLeaf *a_sphere)
 Set pointer for the bounding sphere of this primitive shape.
bool operator< (cCollisionSpheresGenericShape *a_other)
 Overloaded less than operator (for sorting).

Static Public Attributes

static int m_split = 0
 Axis on which to sort.

Detailed Description

cCollisionSpheresGenericShape is an abstract class for shape primitives (such as triangles or lines) which are surrounded by spheres for the collision detector.
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