cFalconDevice Class Reference

cFalconDevice describes an interface to the Falcon haptic device from Novint Technlogies. More...

#include <CFalconDevice.h>

Inheritance diagram for cFalconDevice:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cFalconDevice (unsigned int a_deviceNumber=0)
 Constructor of cFalconDevice.
virtual ~cFalconDevice ()
 Destructor of cFalconDevice.
int open ()
 Open connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).
int close ()
 Close connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).
int initialize (const bool a_resetEncoders=false)
 Initialize or calibrate haptic device (0 indicates success).
unsigned int getNumDevices ()
 Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.
int getPosition (cVector3d &a_position)
 Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].
int setForce (cVector3d &a_force)
 Send a force [N] to the haptic device.
int getUserSwitch (int a_switchIndex, bool &a_status)
 read the status of the user switch [true = ON / false = OFF].

Detailed Description

cFalconDevice describes an interface to the Falcon haptic device from Novint Technlogies.

Member Function Documentation

int cFalconDevice::close (  )  [virtual]

Close connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).

Close connection to Falcon haptic device.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

unsigned int cFalconDevice::getNumDevices (  )  [virtual]

Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.

Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.

Returns the result

Reimplemented from cGenericDevice.

int cFalconDevice::getPosition ( cVector3d a_position  )  [virtual]

Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].

Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].

a_position Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFalconDevice::getUserSwitch ( int  a_switchIndex,
bool &  a_status 
) [virtual]

read the status of the user switch [true = ON / false = OFF].

Read the status of the user switch [1 = ON / 0 = OFF].

a_switchIndex index number of the switch.
a_status result value from reading the selected input switch.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFalconDevice::initialize ( const bool  a_resetEncoders = false  )  [virtual]

Initialize or calibrate haptic device (0 indicates success).

Calibrate Falcon haptic device.

This function does nothing right now; the a_resetEncoders parameter is ignored.

a_resetEncoders Ignored; exists for forward compatibility.
Always 0

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFalconDevice::open (  )  [virtual]

Open connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).

Open connection to Falcon haptic device.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFalconDevice::setForce ( cVector3d a_force  )  [virtual]

Send a force [N] to the haptic device.

Send a force [N] to the Falcon haptic device.

a_force Force command to be applied to device.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

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