D:/CHAI3D/build-2-0-0/2.0.0/win32/src/collisions/CCollisionSpheresGeometry.h File Reference

Collision Detection
Spherical Bounding Box Tree - Implementation. More...

#include "math/CMaths.h"
#include "graphics/CTriangle.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <math.h>

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class  cCollisionSpheresPoint
 cCollisionSpheresPoint defines points used in the primitive shapes. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresEdge
 cCollisionSpheresEdge defines edges of shape primitives. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresGenericShape
 cCollisionSpheresGenericShape is an abstract class for shape primitives (such as triangles or lines) which are surrounded by spheres for the collision detector. More...
class  cCollisionSpheresTri
 cCollisionSpheresTri defines the triangle primitives that make up the mesh and are bounded by the collision spheres. It is essentially just a wrapper around a cTriangle object, to which it has a pointer (m_original). More...
class  cCollisionSpheresLine
 cCollisionSpheresLine defines a line primitive that may collide with other primitives. It is used for instance by the proxy algorithm. More...


typedef map
< cCollisionSpheresPoint
*, cCollisionSpheresEdge
*, less
< cCollisionSpheresPoint * > > 
 Map of points to the edges they form.

Detailed Description

Collision Detection
Spherical Bounding Box Tree - Implementation.

CHAI3D 2.0.0 documentation
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