cCollisionSpheresTri Class Reference
[Collision Detection]

cCollisionSpheresTri defines the triangle primitives that make up the mesh and are bounded by the collision spheres. It is essentially just a wrapper around a cTriangle object, to which it has a pointer (m_original). More...

#include <CCollisionSpheresGeometry.h>

Inheritance diagram for cCollisionSpheresTri:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cCollisionSpheresTri (cVector3d a, cVector3d b, cVector3d c, double a_extendedRadius)
 Constructor of cCollisionSpheresTri.
virtual ~cCollisionSpheresTri ()
 Destructor of cCollisionSpheresTri.
bool computeCollision (cCollisionSpheresGenericShape *a_other, cCollisionRecorder &a_recorder, cCollisionSettings &a_settings)
 Return whether triangle collides with given line.
const cVector3dgetCenter () const
 Return the center of the triangle.
double getRadius () const
 Return the radius of the triangle.
cTrianglegetOriginal ()
 Returns the cTriangle object in the mesh associated with this triangle.
void setOriginal (cTriangle *a_original)
 Sets the cTriangle object in the mesh associated with this triangle.

Protected Attributes

cCollisionSpheresPoint m_corner [3]
 The vertices of the triangle.
cCollisionSpheresEdge m_side [3]
 The edges of the triangle.
cVector3d m_center
 The center of the triangle.
double m_radius
 The radius of the triangle.
 The cTriangle object in the mesh associated with this triangle.

Detailed Description

cCollisionSpheresTri defines the triangle primitives that make up the mesh and are bounded by the collision spheres. It is essentially just a wrapper around a cTriangle object, to which it has a pointer (m_original).

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cCollisionSpheresTri::cCollisionSpheresTri ( cVector3d  a,
cVector3d  b,
cVector3d  c,
double  a_extendedRadius 

Constructor of cCollisionSpheresTri.

Constructor of cCollisionSpheresTri, to enclose a single triangle in a sphere.

a First vertex of the triangle.
b Second vertex of the triangle.
c Third vertex of the triangle.
a_extendedRadius Additional radius to add to sphere.
Return a pointer to new cCollisionSpheresTri instance.

Member Function Documentation

bool cCollisionSpheresTri::computeCollision ( cCollisionSpheresGenericShape a_other,
cCollisionRecorder a_recorder,
cCollisionSettings a_settings 
) [virtual]

Return whether triangle collides with given line.

Determine whether there is any intersection between the primitives (this triangle and the given line) by calling the collision detection method of the cTriangle object associated with this triangle primitive.

a_other The line primitive to check for intersection.
a_recorder Stores all collision events.
a_settings Contains collision settings information.

Implements cCollisionSpheresGenericShape.

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