cDeltaDevice Class Reference

cDeltaDevice implements an interface to the omega.x and delta.x haptic devices from Force Dimension. More...

#include <CDeltaDevices.h>

Inheritance diagram for cDeltaDevice:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cDeltaDevice (unsigned int a_deviceNumber=0)
 Constructor of cDeltaDevice.
virtual ~cDeltaDevice ()
 Destructor of cDeltaDevice.
int open ()
 Open connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).
int close ()
 Close connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).
int initialize (const bool a_resetEncoders=false)
 Initialize or calibrate haptic device (0 indicates success).
unsigned int getNumDevices ()
 Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.
int getPosition (cVector3d &a_position)
 Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].
int getLinearVelocity (cVector3d &a_linearVelocity)
 Read the linear velocity of the device. Units are meters per second [m/s].
int getRotation (cMatrix3d &a_rotation)
 Read the orientation frame of the device end-effector.
int getGripperAngleRad (double &a_angle)
 Read the gripper angle in radian.
int setForce (cVector3d &a_force)
 Send a force [N] to the haptic device.
int setTorque (cVector3d &a_torque)
 Send a torque [N*m] to the haptic device.
int setGripperTorque (double a_gripperTorque)
 Send a torque [N*m] to the gripper.
int setForceAndTorqueAndGripper (cVector3d &a_force, cVector3d &a_torque, double a_gripperTorque)
 Send a force [N] and a torque [N*m] and gripper torque [N*m] to the haptic device.
int getUserSwitch (int a_switchIndex, bool &a_status)
 read the status of the user switch [true = ON / false = OFF].
int getDeviceType ()
 Return the Force Dimension type of the current device.
int enableForces (bool a_value)
 Overrides the force button switch located at the base of the device.

Protected Member Functions

int getUserSwitch (int a_deviceID)
 Read user switch from end-effector.

Protected Attributes

int m_deviceID
 Device ID number.
int m_deviceType
 Which FD device is actually instantiated here?
int m_userSwitchCount [8]
 structure for modeling a low-pass filter user switches.
int m_userSwitchStatus [8]
 Last state of user switch.
cPrecisionClock m_userSwitchClock [8]
 Timeguard for user switch.
bool statusEnableForcesFirstTime
 Have forces been enable yet since the connection to the device was opened?

Static Protected Attributes

static int m_activeDeltaDevices
 Reference count used to control access to the dhd dll.

Detailed Description

cDeltaDevice implements an interface to the omega.x and delta.x haptic devices from Force Dimension.

Member Function Documentation

int cDeltaDevice::close (  )  [virtual]

Close connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).

Close connection to the omega.x or delta.x device.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::enableForces ( bool  a_value  ) 

Overrides the force button switch located at the base of the device.

Enable/Disable the motors of the omega.x device. This function overrides the force button located at the base of the device or on the controller panel.

a_value force status.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

int cDeltaDevice::getGripperAngleRad ( double &  a_angle  )  [virtual]

Read the gripper angle in radian.

Read the gripper angle in radian.

a_angle Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::getLinearVelocity ( cVector3d a_linearVelocity  )  [virtual]

Read the linear velocity of the device. Units are meters per second [m/s].

Read the linear velocity of the device. Units are in [m/s].

a_linearVelocity Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

unsigned int cDeltaDevice::getNumDevices (  )  [virtual]

Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.

Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.

Returns the result

Reimplemented from cGenericDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::getPosition ( cVector3d a_position  )  [virtual]

Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].

Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].

a_position Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::getRotation ( cMatrix3d a_rotation  )  [virtual]

Read the orientation frame of the device end-effector.

Read the orientation frame of the device end-effector

a_rotation Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::getUserSwitch ( int  a_deviceID  )  [protected]

Read user switch from end-effector.

Read the user switch of the end-effector. This function implements a small filter to avoid reading glitches.

a_deviceID device ID.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

int cDeltaDevice::getUserSwitch ( int  a_switchIndex,
bool &  a_status 
) [virtual]

read the status of the user switch [true = ON / false = OFF].

Read the status of the user switch [1 = ON / 0 = OFF].

a_switchIndex index number of the switch.
a_status result value from reading the selected input switch.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::initialize ( const bool  a_resetEncoders = false  )  [virtual]

Initialize or calibrate haptic device (0 indicates success).

Calibrate the omega.x or delta.x device.

This function does nothing right now; the a_resetEncoders parameter is ignored.

a_resetEncoders Ignored; exists for forward compatibility.
Always 0

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::open (  )  [virtual]

Open connection to haptic device (0 indicates success).

Open connection to the omega.x or delta.x device.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::setForce ( cVector3d a_force  )  [virtual]

Send a force [N] to the haptic device.

Send a force [N] to the haptic device

a_force Force command to be applied to device.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::setForceAndTorqueAndGripper ( cVector3d a_force,
cVector3d a_torque,
double  a_gripperTorque 
) [virtual]

Send a force [N] and a torque [N*m] and gripper torque [N*m] to the haptic device.

Send a force [N] and a torque [N*m] and gripper torque [N*m] to the haptic device.

a_force Force command.
a_torque Torque command.
a_gripperTorque Gripper torque command.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::setGripperTorque ( double  a_gripperTorque  )  [virtual]

Send a torque [N*m] to the gripper.

Send a torque [N*m] to the gripper

a_gripperTorque Torque command to be sent to gripper.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cDeltaDevice::setTorque ( cVector3d a_torque  )  [virtual]

Send a torque [N*m] to the haptic device.

Send a torque [N*m] to the haptic device

a_torque Force command to be applied to device.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

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