cFreedom6SDevice Class Reference

cFreedom6SDevice describes an interface to the Freedom6S haptic device from MPB Technologies Inc. More...

#include <CFreedom6SDevice.h>

Inheritance diagram for cFreedom6SDevice:

Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 cFreedom6SDevice ()
 Constructor of cFreedom6SDevice.
virtual ~cFreedom6SDevice ()
 Destructor of cFreedom6SDevice.
int open ()
 Open connection to MPB device.
int close ()
 Close connection to MPB device.
int initialize (const bool a_resetEncoders=false)
 Initialize MPB device.
unsigned int getNumDevices ()
 Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.
int getPosition (cVector3d &a_position)
 Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].
int getLinearVelocity (cVector3d &a_linearVelocity)
 Read the linear velocity of the device. Units are in meters per second [m/s].
int getRotation (cMatrix3d &a_rotation)
 Read the orientation frame of the device end-effector.
int getAngularVelocity (cVector3d &a_angularVelocity)
 Read the angular velocity of the device. Units are in radians per second [m/s].
int getGripperAngleRad (double &a_angle)
 Read the gripper angle in radian.
int setForce (cVector3d &a_force)
 Send a force [N] to the haptic device.
int setTorque (cVector3d &a_torque)
 Send a torque [N*m] to the haptic device.
int setGripperTorque (double a_gripperTorque)
 Send a torque [N*m] to the gripper.
int setForceAndTorqueAndGripper (cVector3d &a_force, cVector3d &a_torque, double a_gripperTorque)
 Send a force [N] and a torque [N*m] and gripper torque [N*m] to the haptic device.
int getUserSwitch (int a_switchIndex, bool &a_status)
 Read the status of the user switch [true = ON / false = OFF].

Protected Attributes

void * m_hf6s
 Handle to device.

Static Protected Attributes

static int m_activeFreedom6SDevices
 Reference count used to control access to the DLL.

Detailed Description

cFreedom6SDevice describes an interface to the Freedom6S haptic device from MPB Technologies Inc.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

cFreedom6SDevice::cFreedom6SDevice (  ) 

Constructor of cFreedom6SDevice.

Constructor of cFreedom6SDevice. Loads interface DLL.

Member Function Documentation

int cFreedom6SDevice::close (  )  [virtual]

Close connection to MPB device.

Close connection to Freedom6S device.

Return 0 is operation succeeds, -1 if an error occurs.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::getAngularVelocity ( cVector3d a_angularVelocity  )  [virtual]

Read the angular velocity of the device. Units are in radians per second [m/s].

Read the angular velocity of the device. Units are in radians per second [m/s].

a_angularVelocity Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::getGripperAngleRad ( double &  a_angle  )  [virtual]

Read the gripper angle in radian.

Read the gripper angle in radian.

a_angle Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::getLinearVelocity ( cVector3d a_linearVelocity  )  [virtual]

Read the linear velocity of the device. Units are in meters per second [m/s].

Read the linear velocity of the device. Units are in meters per second [m/s].

a_linearVelocity Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

unsigned int cFreedom6SDevice::getNumDevices (  )  [virtual]

Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.

Returns the number of devices available from this class of device.

Returns the result

Reimplemented from cGenericDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::getPosition ( cVector3d a_position  )  [virtual]

Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].

Read the position of the device. Units are meters [m].

a_position Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::getRotation ( cMatrix3d a_rotation  )  [virtual]

Read the orientation frame of the device end-effector.

Read the orientation frame of the device end-effector

a_rotation Return value.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::getUserSwitch ( int  a_switchIndex,
bool &  a_status 
) [virtual]

Read the status of the user switch [true = ON / false = OFF].

Read the status of the user switch [1 = ON / 0 = OFF].

a_switchIndex index number of the switch.
a_status result value from reading the selected input switch.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::initialize ( const bool  a_resetEncoders = false  )  [virtual]

Initialize MPB device.

Calibrate Freedom6S device. Initializes the driver, loading appropriate settings according to current Freedom6S configuration.

a_resetEncoders Ignored; exists for forward compatibility.
Return 0 is operation succeeds, -1 if an error occurs.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::open (  )  [virtual]

Open connection to MPB device.

Open connection to Freedom6S device.

Return 0 is operation succeeds, -1 if an error occurs.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::setForce ( cVector3d a_force  )  [virtual]

Send a force [N] to the haptic device.

Send a force [N] to the haptic device

a_force Force command to be applied to device.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::setForceAndTorqueAndGripper ( cVector3d a_force,
cVector3d a_torque,
double  a_gripperTorque 
) [virtual]

Send a force [N] and a torque [N*m] and gripper torque [N*m] to the haptic device.

Send a force [N] and a torque [N*m] and gripper torque [N*m] to the haptic device.

a_force Force command.
a_torque Torque command.
a_gripperTorque Gripper torque command.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::setGripperTorque ( double  a_gripperTorque  )  [virtual]

Send a torque [N*m] to the gripper.

Send a torque [N*m] to the gripper

a_gripperTorque Torque command to be sent to gripper.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

int cFreedom6SDevice::setTorque ( cVector3d a_torque  )  [virtual]

Send a torque [N*m] to the haptic device.

Send a torque [N*m] to the haptic device

a_torque Force command to be applied to device.
Return 0 if no error occurred.

Reimplemented from cGenericHapticDevice.

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